The meaning of MOUTH is the natural opening through which food passes into the body of an animal and which in vertebrates is typically bounded externally by the lips and internally by the pharynx and encloses the tongue, gums, and teeth. How to use mouth
1.(Anatomy) the opening through which many animals take in food and issue vocal sounds 2.(Anatomy) the system of organs surrounding this opening, including the lips, tongue, teeth, etc 3.(Anatomy) the visible part of the lips on the face. ...
This incision is carried to a depth that provides separation and some degree of freedom for the tongue while respecting local anatomy. 2. Skin will have been harvested as described earlier with the graft size estimated by the anticipated surface area of the defect. The skin is attached to the...
Halpern BP. 1977. Functional anatomy of the tongue and mouth of mam- mals. In: Weijnen JAWM, Mendelson J, editors. Drinking behavior. New York: Plenum Press. p. 1-92.Halpern, B. P. Functional anatomy of the tongue and mouth of mammals. In: Drinking Behavior. Oral Stimulation, ...
1.(Anatomy) the opening through which many animals take in food and issue vocal sounds 2.(Anatomy) the system of organs surrounding this opening, including the lips, tongue, teeth, etc 3.(Anatomy) the visible part of the lips on the face. ...
1. Microscopic Anatomy The architecture of the oral mucosa is similar to that of the skin, i.e., superficial stratified squamous epithelium covering a thin layer of connective tissue or lamina propria. In humans, the epithelium varies in thickness (50–500 μm) and in morphology. Except for...
(anatomy) The oral or buccal cavity and its related structures. (engineering acoustics) The end of a horn that has the larger cross-sectional area. (geography) The place where one body of water discharges into another. Also known as influx. ...
(anatomy) The oral or buccal cavity and its related structures. (engineering acoustics) The end of a horn that has the larger cross-sectional area. (geography) The place where one body of water discharges into another. Also known as influx. ...
Anatomy - skull - facial bones 10個詞語 dedwards916 預覽 Muscluar system 43個詞語 Lauren_Mercer819 預覽 NSG ACID BASE BALANCE 56個詞語 madisyndodge 預覽 Parts of the Brain 29個詞語 Stella_Catlin 預覽 810 - Organ System SNS/PNS Receptor Table 老師41個詞語 NU_DNAP 預覽 Chapter 1 A&P 44個...
2.(Anatomy) the system of organs surrounding this opening, including the lips, tongue, teeth, etc 3.(Anatomy) the visible part of the lips on the face. 4.(Cookery) a person regarded as a consumer of food:four mouths to feed.