Rouvière (1940) has given us a particularly clear description of the acetabulum, which we have in no way altered. The fractures with which we are concerned comprise significant areas of the walls of the acetabular articular surface together with the bony segments which support them....
This lesson will provide you with information regarding the coolest part of your hip joint, the acetabulum! After reading this lesson, you will...
Cross-sectional anatomy of the mouse on high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT): in vivo imaging on a murine model
Total hip arthroplasty(THA) has come into the clinical practice for more than 30 years.Because of acetabulum has more complex structure than that of the femur,biomechanical and anatomical studies on THA have been long time focused on the femoral component.More recently,acetabular component loosing ...
theoral cavityinto six parts:buccal mucosa, upper alveolar andgingiva, inferior alveolar and gingiva,hard palate,tongue, and floor of the oral cavity. Among these, the buccal mucosa is subdivided into the mucosa of the upper and lower lips, mucosa of the cheek, posterioracetabulum, and upper/...
Surgical dislocation of the adult hip a technique with full access to the femoral head and acetabulum without the risk of avascular necrosis. Surgical dislocation of the hip is rarely undertaken. The potential danger to the vascularity of the femoral head has been emphasised, but there is little...
The femoral head articulates with the hip via the acetabulum; giving rise to the hip joint (femoroacetabular joint). The ligament of the head of the femur is attached to the fovea (shallow depression on the superomedial part of the head of the femur) and to the center of the acetabulum...
The hip joint (see the image below) is a ball-and-socket synovial joint: the ball is the femoral head, and the socket is the acetabulum. The hip joint is the articulation of the pelvis with the femur, which connects the axial skeleton with the lower extr
Learn about the anatomy and function of the iliac crest with Innerbody's interactive 3D model. Anatomy Explorer Acetabulum Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Anterior Superior Iliac Spine Coccyx Femoral Neck Greater Trochanter Head of Femur Iliac Crest ...
Hip dislocation occurs when the head of the femur is pulled away from the acetabulum, the socket in which the head of the femur rests. Without an X-ray, it can be hard to tell if the head or neck of the femur is broken, or if it has dislocated from the hip bone. Depending on ...