A blastocele is a cavity that is located in the blastula and is filled with fluids. It is important in frogs because it allows the cells to migrate during gastrulation, and it creates a barrier that limits the interaction of the cells of different le...
Acetabulum髋臼―formedbybodiesofischium,iliumandpubisLunatesurface月状面,acetabularfossa髋臼窝,acetabularnotch髋臼切迹骨科重要体表标志TheBonesofLimbs第30页 1.Thefemur股骨Thefemuristhelongestandheaviestboneinthebodyandconsistsofashaftandtwoends(二)ThebonesoffreeLowerLimb骨科重要体表标志TheBonesofLimbs第31页 ...
The acetabular labrum, located at the rim of the acetabulum, is a fibrocartilaginous structure that plays a vital biomechanical role in the hip joint. This structure contributes to static joint stabilization and joint lubrication, as well as increasing the effective depth of acetabulum [1]. Studies...
b. the only blood vessels in bone are found in the medullary cavity and spongy bone of the epiphyses. c. the smallest blood vessels in bone ar 1. The mouth is located ___ to the ears. 2. The elbow is located ___ to the wrist. 3. The lungs are loc...
The acetabular crease is a linear indentation located in the antero-superior quadrant of the surface of the acetabulum at the level of the Byers Feature 17. Considered by palaeoanthropologists as a discrete trait, it has received scarce attention and the mechanisms underlying its formation and varia...
variableinsize.Itislocatedalongtheposteromedialaspectoftheproximal thighandliesinferiortothegreatertrochanter.Theintertrochantericline extendsfromthegreatertrochantertothelessertrochannteriorlyandis thesiteofattaentoftheanteriorcapsule.Posteriorly,theintertrochanteric crestconnectsthetwotrochanters.2 Theacetabulumisacup-sha...
One large vallate papilla is located on the central part of the radix, and a small papilla is present on each side of the border area. Foliate papillae are present bilaterally on the sides of the border area. The lingual papillae have not been extensively studies in this species.
The acetabular crease is a linear indentation located in the antero-superior quadrant of the surface of the acetabulum at the level of the Byers Feature 17. Considered by palaeoanthropologists as a discrete trait, it has received scarce attention and the mechanisms underlying its formation and ...
acetabulum (ˌæsɪˈtæbjʊləm) n,pl-la(-lə) 1.(Anatomy) the deep cuplike cavity on the side of the hipbone that receives the head of the thighbone 2.(Zoology) a round muscular sucker in flatworms, leeches, and cephalopod molluscs ...
The lateral malleolus is found on the ___. a. Femur b. Patella c. Fibula d. Tibia e. Calcaneus The Malleoli The malleoli are located at the distal end of the long bones of the lower legs named the tibia and fibula. At times, ...