咽的生理学physiologyofpharynx 1.呼吸功能repiratoryfunction2.吞咽功能swallowingfunction3.语言形成formationofspeech4.保护功能protection5.调节中耳压力modulationofairressureof middleear6.扁桃体的免功能immunefunctionofonsilla 喉的应用解剖学Anatomyoflarynx 1.单个软骨会厌软骨甲状软骨环状 ...
咽部的解剖Anatomyofpharynx中国医科大学ppt课件.ppt,急性化脓性扁桃体炎 Acute suppurative tonsillitis 病因 外部因素:溶血性链球菌,其它细菌,腺病毒 内部因素:抵抗力下降 可通过飞沫或接触传染。 病理 1.急性卡他性扁桃体炎: 病毒引起,炎症局限在黏膜表面 2.急性隐窝性
located between the pharynx and the trachea. The vocal cords on the larynx vibrate to produce sound as air passes over them. Did you know…. A difference in the size of the larynx will produce different sounds
function, and stresses Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, anal canal Stratified squamous epithelium Stomach, small intestine, most of large intestine Simple columnar epithelium Enteroendocrine cells Secrete hormones that coordinate activities of digestive tract and accessory glands ...
咽喉解剖学(the-larynx-the-pharynx-anatomy) 脊柱 头骨解剖复古老 人体解剖学 膝关节x线医学解剖学(knee-x-ray-medical-anatomy) 人体解剖学人体腹部插图(anatomy-man-abdomen-illustration) 人体骨骼人体解剖学(human-skeleton-human-body-anatomy) 人体解剖学前面 解剖学人体肠道健康(anatomical-anatomy-...
Superiorly: level of cricoid cartilage, juncture with pharynx ? Middle: crossed by aorta and left main bronchus ? Inferiorly: diaphragmatic sphincter 4 physiological stenosis 食管的应用解剖 食管的四个狭窄: ①第一狭窄:即入口处,由环咽肌收缩所致,距上切牙约16cm,是食管最狭窄之处。此段后壁咽下缩...
posterior wall of nasopharynx pharyngotympanic tube Connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx. Pharynx throat; passageway for food to the esophagus and air to the larynx Pleurae serous membranes that form an envelope between the lungs and the chest wall ...
网络释义 1. 生理解剖学 生理解剖学(Physiology and Anatomy), NS3611 bmir.bmes.nthu.edu.tw|基于 1 个网页 2. 生理学与解剖学 Introduction to animal welfare ethics... ... Evolution 演化Physiology and Anatomy生理学与解剖学... www.ppt2txt.com|基于 1 个网页 ...
capacity of 2 liters – 3 muscular layer- vertical, circular, oblique • Functions of the Stomach – Storage of food for 3 hours – Partial digestion of proteins and fats – Semi digested food from stomach enters the Duodenum • Oesophagus – 25cm long muscular tube – From pharynx to ...