咽的生理学physiologyofpharynx 1.呼吸功能repiratoryfunction2.吞咽功能swallowingfunction3.语言形成formationofspeech4.保护功能protection5.调节中耳压力modulationofairressureof middleear6.扁桃体的免功能immunefunctionofonsilla 喉的应用解剖学Anatomyoflarynx 1.单个软骨会厌软骨甲状软骨环状 ...
咽部的解剖Anatomyofpharynx中国医科大学ppt课件.ppt,急性化脓性扁桃体炎 Acute suppurative tonsillitis 病因 外部因素:溶血性链球菌,其它细菌,腺病毒 内部因素:抵抗力下降 可通过飞沫或接触传染。 病理 1.急性卡他性扁桃体炎: 病毒引起,炎症局限在黏膜表面 2.急性隐窝性
located between the pharynx and the trachea. The vocal cords on the larynx vibrate to produce sound as air passes over them. Did you know…. A difference in the size of the larynx will produce different sounds
上肢 咽喉解剖学(the-larynx-the-pharynx-anatomy) 人体男性上半身解剖学(anatomy-human-male-upper-body) 数字艺术-数字-技术-二进制-代码-电脑-脸-人物-x射线-头骨-大脑-骨头-脊柱-圆-网格-静脉-解剖学-编程语言-牙齿-编程-骨架 mooc1121 4个月前
Crypts Opening to pharynx through tonsils/adenoids Humoral response AB mediated, B cell produced; extracellular(bacteria, virus, fungi) Cell mediated response T cells, intracellular(cancer, lysogenic viruses) Fc portion Stem region, recognized by immune system IgG/IgM Bulk of specific immunity against...
pharynx (throat) - nasopharynx - oropharynx - laryngopharnyx epiglottis directs air away from the esophagus by covering the esophagus when swallowing larynx (voice box) houses vocal cords (mucous membrane as a pair of folds) - vibrate when air is expelled to form sounds- 8 pieces of rigid ...
66、d, constituded of mylohyoid, hyoglossushyoglossus, superior , superior constrictor of pharynx and constrictor of pharynx and so on.so on. Local anatomy of Local anatomy of the cervical partthe cervical part submandibular submandibular triangletriangle Contents Contents : Submandibular glandSubmand...
likeopeningintothepharynx Thisfusionoccursinthecaudal-to-cranialdirection, andincompletefusionresultsindevelopmentof persistentcommunicationbetweenthelarynxor tracheaandtheesophagus Themainchangesoccurringinthelarynxpostnatallyareachange intheaxis,luminalshape,length,andproportionalgrowthofthe ...
PatrickD.Sutphin,M.D.,Ph.D.DepartmentofRadiology, MassachusettsGeneralHospital,Boston,MA,USA xv HeadandNeckLymphNodeAnatomy1 Cancersoftheheadandneck—includingcancersofthebuccalcavity,headandneck subset,larynx,pharynx,thyroid,salivaryglands,andnose/nasalpassages—account forapproximately6%ofallmalignanciesin...
exchange of gases acid-base balance sound production * Organ Systems Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Digestive system Components mouth pharynx esophagus stomach small intestines large intestines ...