咽部解剖Anatomy of pharynx.doc,咽部的解剖Anatomy of pharynx 1. 分部parts: 鼻咽 nasopharynx:咽鼓管咽口 eustachial orifice ,圆枕 torus tubalis, 咽隐窝pharyngeal recess,腺样体 adenoid 口咽 oropharynx: 咽峡 fauces,咽侧索 lateral chorda,舌扁桃体 lingual tonsi
第一节 鼻应用解剖学Anatomy of nose 鼻(nose)由外鼻、鼻腔、鼻窦组成 一、外鼻(external nose) 外鼻的一些解剖名称:鼻根nasal root、鼻尖nasal apex、鼻梁nasal bridge、鼻背nasal dorsum、鼻翼alae nasi、鼻底basis nasi、前鼻孔anterior nares、鼻小柱columella nasi、鼻唇沟nasolabial fold 一)支架Skeleton由骨和...
咽的应用解剖学Anatomyofpharynx 鼻(上)咽nasopharynx 咽鼓管咽口、咽鼓管圆枕、咽鼓管扁桃体、咽隐窝、腺样体、鼻咽峡 口(中)咽oropharynx 咽峡、腭舌弓、腭咽弓、腭扁桃体、咽侧索,舌扁桃体 喉(下)咽hypopharynx 会厌谷,梨状窝,环后隙 咽壁的构造 1.黏膜层:假复层纤毛拄状上皮→复层鳞状上皮。内...
The pharynx is a complex muscular structure allowing breathing, swallowing, as well speech through common airspace. The normal imaging appearance of the pharynx and cervical esophagus can be challenging given the numerous interleaved surrounding muscles and numerous connections. This article presents the ...
Functions of the Pharynx What is its role in the digestive system? The muscular walls of the pharynx function as a pathway that moves food from the oral cavity into the esophagus to facilitate swallowing. Its role in the respiratory system is to allow air to move from the nasal and oral ...
Thepharynxis the medical term for the throat. The function of the pharynx is to take in air from the nasal passages as well as food and drink from the mouth. The pharynx is also what helps you talk, as muscles in the throat vibrate to help make sound.1 ...
Pharynx can be defined as a cone-shaped organ. This is a passage that leads from the oral and nasal cavities. It lies in the head of esophagus and the... Learn more about this topic: Pharynx | Anatomy, Definition & Function from ...
The pharynx is the portion of the digestive system posterior to the nasal cavity, oral cavity, and larynx.
第三发音不标准但能听得懂 第四爱发疯(发奋图强)chapter5: the anatomy of tooth P34 08:19 催的视频来了!chapter5 :pharynx,esophagus P35 03:35 越自律,越自由。chapter5:stomach P36 03:46 我太懒了!chapter5: small and large intestines P37 05:59 彻底进“猪圈”了,嘤嘤嘤。。。P39 06:35...
anatomyofthepharynx 咽在什么地方?广医二院耳鼻咽喉科翁盛贤 1 咽的位置 咽部pharynx在鼻nose,口mouth,喉larynx后方,上达颅底,下至第6颈椎下缘(环状软骨 cricoidcartilage下缘),咽pharynx 下接食道esophagus。呼吸和消化的共同通道。长12cm。分三部。咽部矢状剖面观 2 咽喉正中矢状断面示意图 咽pharynx 喉larynx...