Limitations may be experienced in the visualization of very small arteries such as the anterior or posterior spinal arteries in the cervical spine. The anatomy of the branches of the subclavian artery is highly variable, which refers particularly to those branches that are ascribed to the thyro...
Reduction of cervicothoracic spondyloptosis in an ambulatory patient: when traction fails Brendan F. Judy , Jovanna A. Tracz & Timothy F. Witham Case Report | 12 August 2023 Bilateral phrenic nerve palsy after posterior cervical decompression and fusion surgery: a rare event after surgery Gl...
retromandibular fossa. The superficial lobe of the parotid gland partly covers the mandibular ramus and the posterior part of the masseter muscle. The masseter muscle receives innervation by the masseteric nerve, a branch of the mandibular nerve.[7] Surgical Considerations The parotid gland is the ...
Anterior and Posterior Bony Pelvis Anatomy Pelvic Cavity The pelvic cavity is bound by the bones of the pelvic girdle and primarily contains reproductive organs, urinary organs, and the rectum . As the peritoneal cavity rests in the pelvic cavity, spaces from this region are also considered to ...
a. Posterior side of the external carotid, styloid process level and superior to the stylohyoid muscle b. Supply mastoid air cells, stapedius muscle, and internal ear Maxillary artery a. From the external carotid in the parotid gland and travels between the mandibular ramus and shpenomandibular...
Deep spaces of face and neck Deep temporal nerves Dens of axis (Axis [C II]) Depressor anguli oris Depressor labii inferioris Depressor septi nasi Digastric Digastric (Anterior belly) Digastric (Posterior belly) Digastric branch Dorsum of nose Dorsum of tongue Endocrine glands ...
stroke syndrome, accounting for one-third to one-half of all lacunar infarct presentations. Pure motor strokes arise from infarction involving the posterior limb of the internal capsule, corona radiata, and basilar pons. It results in contralateral hemiparesis/hemiplegia of the face, arm, or leg....
Linea aspera: a longitudinal ridge found on the posterior surface made up of a medial and a lateral lip Distal end Patellar surface: Anterior depression Provides a gliding surface for thepatellaPatellaThe flat, triangular bone situated at the anterior part of the knee.Knee Joint: Anatomy(knee ca...
Of the ophthalmic veins, the SOV is the largest caliber with the greatest diameter. It originates in the anterior medial orbit from the junction of the supraorbital, supratrochlear, and angular (a branch of the facial vein) veins medial to the superior rectus muscle insertion and posterior to...
These structures form a pouch (vaginal fornix) which has anterior, posterior, and lateral parts. The lower end of the vagina (vaginal orifice) opens into the vaginal vestibule just behind the urethral orifice. The vaginal orifice may be partially covered with a membrane called hymen. Uterine ...