The lines of communication are continually subject to interpretation and as the seeker develops a broader vocabulary of experience and knowing, the dialogue becomes deeper and more satisfying in exchange, which makes it ultimately more effective in supporting a pattern of growth that is of spiritual ...
Podocarpus lawrencei (Mountain Plum Pine) is an endemic Australian conifer species and morphologically, ecologically, and genetically close to P. nivalis, P. gnidioides, P. totara, P. acutifolius, and P. laetus. The reproductive biology and seed cone morpho-anatomy of P. lawrencei and the ...
The bills of crossbills have lower and upper mandibles crossed, making it easier for them toeat pine cone seeds. They start at the bottom of a cone and spiral upward, opening each scale, and removing the seeds with their tongues. Parrots have a different kind of conical bill good forCrack...
Effects of tree age on secondary xylem and phloem anatomy in stems of Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva). Am. J. Bot. 77, 1070 1077.Connor KF, Lanner RM (1990) Effects of tree age on secondary xylem and phloem anatomy in stems of Great Basin bristle-cone pine (Pinus long...
Cone, in botany, mass of scales or bracts, usually ovate in shape, containing the reproductive organs of certain nonflowering plants. The cone, a distinguishing feature of pines and other conifers, is also found on all gymnosperms, on some club mosses, a
cone: Media plant anatomy Share Videos How different plants store their seeds Video presentation describing the differences in seed storage between angiosperms... Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Other articles where microstrobilus is discussed: gymnosperm: General features: …the male pollen cones, called microstrobili, contain reduced leaves called microsporophylls. Microsporangia, or pollen sacs, are borne on the lower surfaces of the microspo
of containing a helix and circumferential wrap architectural configuration. Torrent Guasp's helical ventricular myocardial band (HVMB) defines this anatomy and its structure, and explains why the heart's six dynamic actions of narrowing, shortening, lengthening, widening, twisting, and uncoiling happen...