The Pinboard Explore 08.03.18 Get A Free Ticket for Material Xperience! Read more 06.12.17 Moving towards a new textiles economy with the Ellen Macarthur Foundation Read more 01.11.17 A Grand Designs GREEN HERO Read more 31.10.17 Piñatex®on the Green Carpet with Eco-Age and Trussardi...
Anam PALF Premium textile-grade pineapple leaf fibres Piñatex For brands with a sustainable vision Piñayarn Working alongside nature Explore “Design is not just about product. Design is about responsibility.” Dr Carmen Hijosa Responsibility The earth and its people are at the heart of ...
Oktober 2021 Ananas Anam, ein Textilunternehmen, hat ein neues Material namens Pinatex entwickelt. Es wird aus Ananasblattfasern hergestellt und in der Mode- und Polsterindustrie verwendet. Die Verwendung von Pinatex nimmt aufgrund seiner natürlichen, nachhaltigen und pflanzlichen Eigenschaften zu. Anana...
Ananas Anam is a new design company, which has developed an innovative natural and sustainablenon-woven material, PinatexTM; through a newlydeveloped technology. PinatexTM is producedfrom pineapple leaf fibres, which are a by-product of the pineapple harvest. The discovery that leads to the ...
盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,新材料公司Ananas Anam宣布与汽车技术领导者佛瑞亚(FORVIA)合作,研发由废弃菠萝叶纤维制成的汽车内饰材料。 菠萝叶(图片来源:Ananas Anam) 两家公司已经达成了一项联合研发协议,Ananas Anam将提供其研发环保菠萝材料的知识,佛瑞亚则提供汽车技术方面的专业知识。该消息发布之际,佛瑞亚成立了一个...
Ananas Anam says the waste from the top 10 producer countries could theoretically replace over 50 percent of global leather output. 'Pineapple leather' offers vegan fashion alternative The effect of NaCl on the mineral nutrient and photosynthesis pigments content in pineapple (Ananas comosus) in vitro...
Define ananas. ananas synonyms, ananas pronunciation, ananas translation, English dictionary definition of ananas. n the pineapple or a related tropical American bromeliaceous plant, the pinguin, that has an edible plum-shaped fruit. Also called: anana C
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相似单词 Anamnesen, anamnestisch, anamnetisch, anamorphotisch, Anamorphotvorsatz, Ananas, Ananasfaser, Ananasmuster, Anapäst, Anaphalis pterocaulon, 历史记录 生词本赞助商链接广告联系| 意见反馈| 合作伙伴| 关于德语在线词典|手机版网站 | 德语热词榜 | HTTPS| AI英文写作| Rédiger多语言写作 欧路软...
Introducing Piñatex | Dole Sunshine Company + Ananas Anam Partnership 麦当劳-阿纳纳斯西蒙·拉德福(MCDONALDS - ANANAS by SIMON LADEFOGED) 爱阿那那. _食品商业实验_(Love Ananas. _Food commercial experiment_) 帕克肖特酒店, 弗拉姆博伊斯, 阿纳纳斯(Packshot Pub Danao Banane, Framboise, Ananas)...