Ananas Anam is a new design company, which has developed an innovative natural and sustainablenon-woven material, PinatexTM; through a newlydeveloped technology. PinatexTM is producedfrom pineapple leaf fibres, which are a by-product of the pineapple harvest. The discovery that leads to the ...
Anam PALF Premium textile-grade pineapple leaf fibres Piñatex For brands with a sustainable vision Piñayarn Working alongside nature Explore “Design is not just about product. Design is about responsibility.” Dr Carmen Hijosa Responsibility The earth and its people are at the heart of ...
Define ananas. ananas synonyms, ananas pronunciation, ananas translation, English dictionary definition of ananas. n the pineapple or a related tropical American bromeliaceous plant, the pinguin, that has an edible plum-shaped fruit. Also called: anana C