Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), a member of the familyPotyviridae, belonging to genusPotyvirus, has a single-stranded RNA genome. In general the size of the genomic RNA is < 10 kb and encodes a polyprotein, including the P1 protease28. At the N-terminal end of the P1 of Turnip mosa...
however, is not optimal for answering the question of diachronic change because typological data capture variability poorly and are often incompatible with multivariate statistics. To overcome these problems
ofconservedregionsliketRNAgenesorboxestogetherwithhyper- variableregionsallowsperformingintraspecificdiscriminationofvery closebacterialstrains.Ontheotherhandthismosaicofvariability makestheITSasequencedifficulttoanalyzeandcompare. Results:AsoftwaretostudyIntergenicTranscribedSpacersbya ...