Mosaic (genetics) Mosaic (genetics) Mosaic (genetics) Mosaic (web browser) Mosaic Analysis with A Repressible Cell Marker Mosaic animals Mosaic animals Mosaic animals Mosaic Array Data Compression And Processing Module mosaic artifact mosaic bone mosaic bone mosaic bone Mosaic Client Mosaic Communications...
a pattern made of numerous small pieces fitted together; in genetics, occurrence in an individual of two or more cell populations each having a different chromosome complement. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, ...
slow virus - a virus that remains dormant in the body for a long time before symptoms appear; "kuru is caused by a slow virus" tumor virus - a cell-free filtrate held to be a virus responsible for a specific neoplasm vector - (genetics) a virus or other agent that is used to delive...
through a porcelain filter that had pores fine enough to hold back bacteria. He thus demonstrated that the cause of tobacco disease was due to a ‘filterable virus’ – the termviruscoming from the Latin meaningpoison. This term is now considered obsolete and is abbreviated to simply ‘virus...
graminis in the form of viral RNAs associated to movement proteins. Genomes of these viruses are divided into two ssRNA species that are individually encapsidated. The furoviruses of wheat often causes a ‘rosetting’ disease, meaning that the plants are severely stunted. The number of tillers...
The alignment dataset contains a variable number of taxa, meaning that CODEML from the PAML package110 could not be run directly. GWideCodeML111 overcomes this problem by pruning the given species tree to fit each of the alignments. The ω = dN/dS heterogeneous branch model of CODEML ...
Genetics 172: 533–546. Chapuis M-P, Estoup A (2007). Microsatellite null alleles and estimation of population differentiation. Mol Biol Evol 24: 621–631. Charlesworth B, Nordborg M, Charlesworth D (1997). The effects of local selection, balanced polymorphism and background selection on ...
1b). We found no difference in the testis between young and old rats (Fig. 1a, b; Mann–Whitney U test, P < 0.05), meaning the observed LOY in younger rats did not increase over time. LOY differences in brain, kidney, and liver between young and old rats were significant (Fig...
We analyzed the genetic mosaic of speciation in two hybridizing Mediterranean white oaks from the Iberian Peninsula (Quercus faginea Lamb. and Quercus pyrenaica Willd.). The two species show ecological divergence in flowering phenology, leaf morphology a
Journal of Medical GeneticsLevy I, Levy Y, Mammon Z, Nitzan M, Steinherz R. Gastrointestinal ab normalities in the syndrome of mosaic trisomy 9. J Med Genet 1989; 26:280-1.Levy I, Levy Y, Mammon A, Nitzan M, Steinherz R. Gastroin- testinal abnormalities in the syndrome of ...