2022.03.01: - ANA titer1, 1:320(参考值<1:100),【超标】 - LA1,LA2,都正常 2023.04 深圳港大医院: - ANA 1:100,正常但贴着参考线 2024.06.14: - Drvvt base assay 正常 - LA is present 【阳性】 - ANA <1:20,正常 2024.06.21: - 验血指标显示 LA is present【阳性】, - 开了药...
The interpretation or identification of a positive ANA test (“ANA positive”) does not make a diagnosis. It simply suggests to the doctor to consider the possibility that an autoimmune disease is present. When interpreting ANA test results, doctors typically look at the titer level and the ...
- The Impact of ANA Titer Levels on Risk of Uveitis Development in Juvenile Idiopathic ArthritisMeghan J. Ho
First, we have analyzed agreement (kappa index) between qualitative (positive or negative) results obtained with both assays using various cut-off. Then, IFA-ANA titers were considered. Box plots show that when IFA titer increases, COBAS-ANA value does Discussion We evaluated -precision, response...
抗核抗体滴度ANA titer 阳性 (1:40),正常吗 温馨提示:因无法面诊,医生建议仅供参考 胡海菁 主任医师 其他 极速问诊 三级甲等 佛山市南海区人民医院 问题分析:不正常,抗核抗体阳性常见于系统性红斑狼疮和混合性结缔组织病。在类风湿关节炎、干燥综合症、系统性硬皮病等也可出现阳性。
网络释义 1. 抗核抗体 其他:头痛 (7.8%)、水肿、发烧与抗核抗体(ANA titer) 呈阳性反应。如你正在服用任何药物(包括西药,中药),请在医生处方 …|基于7个网页
指导意见:这种情况是可以给予消炎镇痛类药物对治疗,你可以 给予热敷处理的,给予活血类药物治疗。
D.Canbefoundinlowtitersinhealthy individuals 2 Anti-NuclearAntibody(ANA) E.Hightiters(>1:320)ishighlysuggestiveofan autoimmunedisease F.Lowornegativeresultdoesnotruleout autoimmunedisease G.Manypatientswithdifferentkindsof autoimmunediseaseswillhavegenericANA’s H.SpecifictypesofANA’swillhelptoidentifya ...
Our study aimed to investigate whether the introduction of automated anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) analysis decreases the interlaboratory variability of ANA titer results. Method. Three serum samples were sent to 10 laboratories using the QUANTA-Lyser5 in combination with...