implicit biasdiscriminationsocial science and lawThe phenomenon of implicit bias is much discussed but little understood. This article answers basic conceptual and empirical questions about implicit bias, incMitchell, GregorySocial Science Electronic Publishing...
2010. "Implicit Gender Bias in the Legal Profession: An Empirical Study." Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 18(1):1+.Levinson, Justin D. and Danielle Young. "Implicit Gender Bias in the Legal Profession: an Empirical Study." Duke Journal of Law and Policy 18.1 (2010)....
Let us also suppose for present purposes that the pursuit of calibration is best accomplished by making estimates that obey the probability laws. Thus, successful degrees of belief accord with the laws of probability. Granting all these background assumptions, a problem nonetheless looms for this ...
The Linguistic Intergroup Bias (LIB) is the tendency to describe stereotypic events in more abstract terms than counterstereotypic events. We examined whether a paper-and-pencil measure based on the LIB could be used as an implicit indicator of prejudice. Experiment 1 demonstrated that a measure ...
--osp:device=<name> use name as the type of device for OSPRay to create; e.g., --osp:device=cpu gives you the default cpu device; Note if the device to be used is defined in a module, remember to pass --osp:load-modules=<name> first --osp:set-affinity=<n> if 1, bind soft...
Editorial On the censoring of Dr. Ahlam Muhtaseb Srividya Ramasubramanian & Ahlam Muhtaseb “You unconsciously walk across the street if you see someone”: an affective containment framework for implicit bias sensemaking Astrid M. Villamil & Madeline Pringle ...
involved, even entangled, with their caregiver. Finally, there is a growing body of knowledge suggesting that disorganization in adolescence is best defined as adolescents' inability to regulate affect when facing their caregivers. Boundary dissolution, controlling behavior, role confusion, hostility and ...
最近一波反跨儿*立法(antitrans* legislation)的编写不仅带有明确的反跨儿*偏见(explicit antitrans* bias),也有隐含的反间性的敌意(implicit anti-intersex animus)。事实上,具有苦涩的讽刺意味(bitterly ironic)的是,任何强制要求对儿童进行生殖器检查的立法,也都把对间性和跨儿*身体心理的生物政治医学化和监管(...
Super AI Future field in which AI exceeds human ability in all fields This is the AI shown in many superproductions as true AI, but currently, this is merely science fiction in current society. AI oriented films: Terminator, I Robot, etc. The term big data refers to data or combinations...
Uncertainty Avoidance is defined as the extent to which individuals in a society try to reduce anxiety by minimizing uncertainty. It influences behaviors such as preference for rules, structured circumstances, and long-term employment with the same employer. ...