This term refers to the concept that “human cognitive abilities are not infinite” (Simon, 1955) and, therefore, people take short-cuts in decision-making which may not be considered rational. Thus, the bias towards overestimation of damage caused by intentional harm is an important issue that...
Implicit Bias is Real, Implicit Bias Training Matters: Responding to the Negative Pressdoi:10.2139/ssrn.3686762The Huffington Post recently reported "'Implicit bias' training don't actually change police behavior, Anti-racism courses are too short, too simplistic – and mSocial Science Electronic ...
②The addressing term may change with the time. We often use “同志” in Chinese, but in English the correspondent word “comrade” has another meaning (gay or homosexual). So English people don’t use this word so often. From the 1950s to present, the meaning of “comrade” has been...
Megan has also been featured as a TEDx speaker discussing the idea of “When implicit bias becomes explicit.” Megan is a passionate advocate for social justice and continual learner. She earned a BS degree in elementary education, an MA in teaching and learning with a concentration in reading...
本文属于传统机器学习理论方向,紧跟着现有的一些关于随机梯度下降算法 SGD 的 implicit bias 的工作(它们主要想要表达的意思在于如果单单用梯度下降 GD,那么模型就很有可能会收敛到一个并不理想的 local minima, 但只要用了随机梯度下降 SGD,模型就会倾向于收敛到一个非常理想的 local minima 上),对于另一种类型的...
The online classroom is perceived as being a non-threatening, unbiased, safe environment due to the lack of visual cues that normally trigger hidden attitudes and biases. However, it is possible that stereotypical student names often trigger implicit bias in instructors leading to group expectations ...
本文属于传统机器学习领域,主题是本领域内经常有所讨论的 implicit bias,即一种不依赖于 external regularizer 仅仅依靠网络结构或者优化算法就可以自然而然地找到具有 robustness 的网络参数,也就是说 implicit bias 的意义在于,我们的算法可以自然地从众多局部最优解中间以某种方式选择出一组具有某种性质的解。在已有的...
This term is difficult to measure, as it may be only estimated after the audit work is complete. For this reason, we center our attention in the audit risk assessment. The audit risk assessment is the imperative identification, analysis, and management of risks relevant to prepare the ...
the medical terminology of “patient” may be seen as problematic. Unless people with disabilities have health problems, they are unlikely to consider themselves “patients”, while persons with health problems may also not feel represented by the term “patient”, preferring terms like “service ...
Confirmation bias describes our underlying tendency to notice, focus on, and provide greater credence to evidence that fit our existing beliefs.