Sign in to download full-size image Figure 1.Retinal anatomy and circuitry. During visual processing, the output from the rod and cone photoreceptors in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) is decomposed into a number of different parallel information channels by synapsing in the outer plexiform layer ...
NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY TECHNIQUES | In Vivo Spectroscopy Using Localization Techniques A. Bainbridge, E.B. Cady, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Second Edition), 2005 Image-Selected In vivo Spectroscopy Image-selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) is a multishot technique for loca...
a, A computer display is placed in front of the participant so that he can perform a finger task with a virtual hand. During closed-loop control, the electrical activity from the array is mapped to a control signal for the virtual fingers. Panel adapted from ref.27.b, Left, thumb move...
However, a number of particular applications may require specialized annotations tailored to specific data contexts and questions (e.g., investigation of nuclear architecture or systems biology). The current ENCODE release, in fact, provides a data-rich context for a subset of cell types. Deep ...
Enable power, clock, and thermal profiling - If selected, power, clock, and thermal conditions on the GPUs will be sampled and displayed on the timeline. Collection of this data is not supported on all GPUs. See the description of the Device timeline in Timeline View for more information. ...
MAPDNis an environment of distributed/decentralised active voltage control on power distribution networks and a batch of state-of-the-art multi-agent actor-critic algorithms that can be used for training. The environment implementation follows the multi-agent environment framework provided inPyMARL. Ther...
图片题注:2-view silhouette of the Antonov An-10参考译文:安东诺夫An-10的二视图轮廓图片来源:Greg Goebel 6.1 基本信息 机组:4人 容量:100或130人 / 14,500千克(32,000磅) 长度:34米(111英尺7英寸) 翼展:38米(124英尺8英寸) 高度:9.83米(32英尺3英寸) 机翼面积:120平方米(1,300平方英尺) 体积:...
Conceptual view of a genetic mapping experiment in IGS. The arrows represent the direction of work that takes place in the experiment. For example, phenotypes are collected on subjects, genotypes from samples that are taken from subjects. Full size image IGS supports multiple independent studies in...
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Agent In subject area: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science MRI contrast agents are a unique class of pharmaceuticals that enhance the image contrast between normal and diseased tissue and indicate the status of organ function or blood fl...
(Stalnecker et al., 2022). The starvation-induced nuclear translocation of ERK1/2 regulatesferroptosisin pancreatic cancer cells (Zalyte & Cicenas, 2022). The MAPK family member, JNK, is ubiquitously expressed as two isoforms, JNK1 (MAPK8) and JNK2 (MAPK9) (Liu, Minemoto, & Lin, ...