Words to the effect of “that’s not how I meant it” or “people make mistakes” invalidate the feelings of the other party. Regardless of your intent, acknowledge your culpability for the outcome. Otherwise, your apology is not productive. Passive-aggressive tone You might also feel angry ...
What to say to a passive aggressive person 00:55 What to say to sound more assertive 00:42 How to keep someone from getting defensive 00:55 Someone who always plays the victim 00:59 How to build better boundaries 00:44 What to say when someone puts you down 00:47 When they...
Assertive communication involvesclear, honest statements about your beliefs, needs, and emotions. Think of it as a healthy midpoint between passive communication and aggressive communication. When you communicate assertively, you share your opinions without judging others for theirs. Is assertiveness good ...
This is another example of an overly informal sign-off that is better said in person than over email. 9 Hope that makes sense This sign-off can also be considered passive-aggressive, as it implies that any misunderstanding is on the recipient’s part rather than due to your communication sk...
Feminist theory asserts that males and females are conditioned differently as a result of rigid gender roles, which influence one's expectations for sexual behavior (Henry et al., 2004). Masculinity is conceptualized as dominant, virile, and powerful, and femininity as passive and submissive therefo...
oxide layer of the passive film is an n-type defect semiconductor, the passive current density is a positive quantity that is a function of pH, temperature, and flow velocity, and may also be a function of aggressive species in the solution (e.g., Cl−), but is independent of ...
Charles McMillanTransnational Corporations ReviewBaxter, Eric, McMillan, Charles, 2013. Aggressive predator or passive investor: multinationals in the mining industry - a case study in an emerging country. Transnatl. Corp. Rev. 5 (1), 50-75....
Whatisthebeliefunderlyingtheargument?Isthebeliefvalidinothercases?Shouldsuchabeliefbeacceptedbypeopleofdifferentbeliefs?(example,P109)1.CriticalReading Criticalthinking(identifyinghiddenassumptionsandconclusions)1.CriticalReading Criticalthinking(identifyinghiddenassumptionsandconclusions)Torecognizehiddenconclusions,youmaya...
For example, it would probably would cause a certain amount of freight to shift to rail, but since the environmental and traffic congestion costs of rail are lower, this shift should be viewed as a social benefit. (If the US was able to reform the Jones Act rules that have raised the ...
The right tone of voice, which isn’t too loud (can be considered aggressive), too soft (can be considered passive), or too sarcastic, is essential. 5. Good timing An assertive communicator will have a good understanding of the appropriateness of the place, situation, and time when it com...