The simple sugar glucose is an example of a: A. Polysaccharide B. Glycogen C. Monosaccharide D. Fatty acid E. Lipid Polymer of Simple Sugars: Thepolymerizationof simple sugar takes place inside the system whichhelps in the storage of food. The simp...
Molecular docking is a computational procedure that aims to predict the favored orientation of a ligand to its macromolecular target (receptor), when these are bound to each other to form a stable complex. From: Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2014 ...
For a biochemist, the words glucanases and glycosidases are confusing as both these categories of enzymes are included in the broad class of CAZyme (carbohydrate active enzymes). The author follows modern systems and hence suggests referring to CAZy ( for details. Of various glycos...
Glucuronoyl esterases (GEs) are α/β serine hydrolases and a relatively new addition in the toolbox to reduce the recalcitrance of lignocellulose, the biggest obstacle in cost-effective utilization of this important renewable resource. While biochemical and structural characterization of GEs have prog...
Carbohydrate was not built into suggestive but poor electron density for βI-tryptase residue Asn222. Data collection and refinement metrics appear in Table 2. The Ramachandran plot showed that 94% of residues are in the most favored regions with no residues in disallowed regions. Figures with ...
supposed to restrict the use of timber cladding to high-status buildings, but there is extensive evidence of use in more ‘common’ dwellings. For example, the Grubenhäuser excavated at the site of the Anglo-Saxon village of West Stow in the UK showed clear evidence of the use of ...
Nutritional value of yellow mealworm larvae Yellow mealworm larvae contain 40.2%–63.3% protein on a dry matter (DM) basis, depending upon the types of rearing substrates used to grow them [5, 24,25,26,27,28] (Table 1). For example, larvae fed with wheat bran had a higher (63.3% DM...
The specialisation of mammalian cells in time and space requires genes associated with specific pathways and functions to be co-ordinately expressed. Here we have combined a large number of publically available microarray datasets derived from human prim
The simplest sugar unit is glucose; it is the most abundant carbohydrate and is utilised as a source of energy by every cell in the body. Glucose is a monosaccharide; others include fructose and galactose. Most simple sugars occurring in nature are disaccharides, made of two units of sugar ...
Whether or notlipogenesistakes place is determined also by the patient’s nutritional status and is most evident in the well-nourished individual with a high proportion of carbohydrate in the diet. In the presence of a fat intake of more than 10–15% of the diet there is little conversion ...