1、 首先获得主机名。获取方法:在我的电脑图标上单击右键:在弹出的快捷菜单中单击“属性”弹出系 统属性对话框。在计算机名中有:完整的计算机名称:2、单击setup.exe。3、安装MSC.ADAMAS 2005,选full Installation,单击next。4、输入1700@host , host就是你的主机名,例如改为1700@gy,再一步一...
错误代码为:0x80070002 解决方法:进入安全模式,在安装光盘里找到oembios.bi_和expand.exe(i386目录下面),拷到硬盘上,如C:下面,运行cmd,(在C:盘下运行dos命令:expand oembios.bi_ oembios.bin,),如果解压有问题,可以可以用winrar解压,解压后会得到一个OEMBIOS.BIN文件,把这个文件复制到系统的安装目...
This error, which references “(-5001: 0x800700002),” is usually experienced under the following conditions: You attempt to run the JMP installer from a web browser, cloud-sharing site, or FTP site. You should download the file to your local machine and then perform the...
◆这几行英文提示的意思是:安装程序发现了错误,请按下面的方法来做:关闭任何正在运行的程序 清空临时文件夹 检查你的上网连接(因为本软件是要从网上下载文件的)错误代码 5001 ◆所以你的错误还在于【把网关了】
error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Serializable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Error CS1061 Image<Bgr,byte> error CS1513 'curly bracket (}) expected with c# Error CS5001_Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable ...
we have used Excel Javascript API functions for Pivottables. We can drag and drop the columns in respective filed. When we do drag and drop operations 15-20 times, it shows "Uncaught (in promise) RichApi.Error: An internal error has occurred." "Error Status code: 5001". We t...