1、 首先获得主机名。获取方法:在我的电脑图标上单击右键:在弹出的快捷菜单中单击“属性”弹出系 统属性对话框。在计算机名中有:完整的计算机名称:2、单击setup.exe。3、安装MSC.ADAMAS 2005,选full Installation,单击next。4、输入1700@host , host就是你的主机名,例如改为1700@gy,再一步一...
错误代码为:0x80070002 解决方法:进入安全模式,在安装光盘里找到oembios.bi_和expand.exe(i386目录下面),拷到硬盘上,如C:下面,运行cmd,(在C:盘下运行dos命令:expand oembios.bi_ oembios.bin,),如果解压有问题,可以可以用winrar解压,解压后会得到一个OEMBIOS.BIN文件,把这个文件复制到系统的安装目...
弹出的对话框:An error (-5001:0X80070002)has occurred while running the setup.Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications.lf the error still occurs,please contact... 分享1赞 steam吧 sukent2010 骑马与砍杀2霸主 1.1.0 beta版更新全文翻译伤害打断阈值设置为5...
CS5001 - does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point CSharp DeflateStream Error x = {"Block length does not match with its complement."} cstr() in C# CSV File Encryption/Decryption Culture 4096 (0x1000) is an invalid culture identifier - CultureNotFoundExcepti...
An error "#endregion directive expected" in UIMap.cs when trying to build my CodedUI tests An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. An establishe...
An error "#endregion directive expected" in UIMap.cs when trying to build my CodedUI tests An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify you...
从ufidachina.com上下载的用友T3财务软件,在参照用友T3安装教程安装的时候提示:an error(-5001:0x80070002)has occurred while running the setup. please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications.If the error still occurs,please contact your vendor:畅捷通信息技术股份有限...