Winehouse, meanwhile, has beenreceiving treatment in a hospitalfor a bad reaction to medication. Her husband,Blake Fielder-Civil, who has publicly blamed himself for her sobriety issues, wassent back to prisonlast week after failing a drug test and violating his parole in an assault case....
Read the full-text online article and more details about "The Razz: AMY GOES TO DRUG DOC; Winehouse Visits Clinic after Meeting with Dad" - Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), January 23, 2008Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Long weekly working hours and ischaemic heart disease: a follow-up study among 145 861 randomly selected workers in Denmark. The aim of the present study was to test if incidences of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and usage of antihypertensive drugs are independent of weekly worki......
Amy Winehouse Foundation Opens Home for Women in RecoveryAmy’s Place, in East London, is a residence for women recovering from drug addiction. By Nate Jones music Nov. 12, 2015 Justin Bieber Really Relates to Amy Winehouse’s Struggles“I’m struggling just to get through the days.” ...
It’s all too easy to quote Ms Winehouse herself, but when asked if they should make this movie, all involved should have said “No, no, no.” ONE AND A HALF STARS (OUT OF FIVE) Back to Blackis now screening in Australian theatres....
Winehouse, meanwhile, has been receiving treatment in a hospital for a bad reaction to medication. Her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, who has publicly blamed himself for her sobriety issues, was sent back to prison last week after failing a drug test and violating his parole in an assault case...
My Amy Beach. EXCLUSIVE Winehouse Tries to Bury Drug Demons by Joining Rocker Pal Bryan Adams on Sunshine Break in CaribbeanByline: By MARC BAKERThe People (London, England)
Keef: That Girl Amy Is the Only One I Rate Today; DRUG FEARS: Amy Winehouse Is Rated by Keith Richards but He Warned She Must Clean Up Her Act
Troubled Amy, the Star Who Never Sleeps ; 24 Hours in the Drunken, Drug-Fuelled World of Miss WinehouseWALKING together arm-inarm, singer Amy Winehouse and her husband Blake Fielder-Civil put on a public display of affection in Soho in the early hours of today.Singh, Amar...