Winehouse’s father, Mitch, has said his daughter had beaten her drug dependency three years before her death, but he admitted she was still struggling to control her drinking after several weeks of abstinence. Mitch Winehousetold mourners at the singer’s July 26 funeral that she had said to...
As Winehouse’s star rose, so too did her reputation of strange behavior. The admitted marijuana smoker was dogged by reports of drug abuse beginning in 2007. On August 8, 2007, the singer overdosed on several drugs and was hospitalized. First claiming exhaustion, Winehouse later told The News...
“In addition to the reported drug use, Winehouse was famously caught on video carving the words ‘I Love Blake’ into her stomach with a shard of glass, and during an interview withRolling Stonemagazine, she displayed photos of the couple passing pills to each other with their tongues. But...
July 25, 2011 --SingerAmy Winehouse, who died unexpectedly in her London home Saturday found many of her career success overshadowed by her drug and alcohol addiction. While Winehouse publicly acknowledged her drug and alcohol abuse, some addiction experts said, like many addicts, Winehouse may n...
Winehouse has gained huge publicity for her drug abuse along with psychological health problems. At a young age of 27, Amy Winehouse found dead on her apartment in London. Receiver of 5 Grammies, Amy Winehouse is certainly among the most talented singers of this generation. However, at the ve...
Read more about Amy Winehouse on Myspace, the place where people come to connect, discover, and share.
Nor does this test result rule out the toll years of drug and alcohol abuse could have had on Winehouse's body. "The misuse/abuse of illicit drugs as well as prescription drugs can lead to cardiovascular disease and other changes in the body that can lead to death," Goldberger told ABCNe...
Amy Winehouse and her ex-husband Blake made the headlines with their stormy, toxic relationship. made the headlines with their stormy, toxic relationship. We now have an A rated birth time for Amy, so I can look at the synastry again. Her chart is in thi
As the film progresses, so too do the singer's demons. Much like the recent, also heartbreaking,Kurt Cobaindocumentary on HBO, VHS footage shows Winehouse visibly affected by alcohol and drug abuse. "I've seen a lot of the happy stuff and a lot of the dark stuff," said Kapadia. "At...
addicts and other causes Amy would have supported. "I was in New York with my cousin Michael when I heard, and straight away I said I wanted an Amy Winehouse Foundation, something to help the things she loved - children, horses, but also to help those struggling with substance ...