This kit allows for thedetermination ofAMPKactivityinMouseserum, blood plasma, and otherbiological fluids. Principle of the assay The kitassayMouse AMPKlevel in thesample,usePurifiedMouse AMPKantibody to coatmicrotiter plate wells, makesolid-phase antibody,thenaddAMPKtowells,CombinedAMPKantibody which Wi...
aTotal lipase activity assay was performed using liver lysate prepared as per the protocol given in Cayman lipase assay kit (Cat. No. 700640),n = 6 (3♂ + 3♀, age 16–19 weeks).b,cEMSA demonstrated more efficient binding of PPARα oligonucleotides to nuclear proteins of Abcb4...
of AMPK activity (which spurred the hypothesis that AMPK loss should mimic LKB1 loss), we directly compared AMPK signaling in lysates from individual tumors isolated from K, KA, and KL mice to determine whether KL tumors had in fact completely lost AMPK activity comparable to KA (Figure 1J)....
The cell viability was analysed with a Cell Counting Kit8. We performed Alizarin Red S staining and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity assay to observe the differentiation status of osteoblasts. Western blotting was adopted to detect the expression of osteogenesis related protein...
AMPK activity was restored by chronic AICAR treatment (Fig. 6C). HFD feeding resulted in activation of mTORC1 signaling, as determined by an increase in S6K phosphorylation (Fig. 6D). This triggered the ER stress response by increasing the phosphorylation of PERK and eIF2α (Fig. 6E), all...
AMPK activity was measured using the SAMS peptide assay and results are shown as the fold activation (±s.e.m.) relative to untreated cells from at least three independent experiments. Bottom, 991 and A-769662 increase phosphorylation of endogenous AMPK Thr-172 (pT172) and the AMPK target ...
Conclusion:AMPK adenovirus can express the target protein in mouse skeletal muscle, and regulate the activity of AMPK.%目的:探讨注射AMPK腺病毒在小鼠骨骼肌中的表达和作用。方法:C57BL/6小鼠随机分为4组:(1)无任何处理的空白对照组。(2)肌肉注射腺病毒空载体(Ad-GFP)组。(3)肌肉注射Ad-GFP,48 h后...
PKA Kinase Activity Assay Kit - Abcam:PKA激酶活性检测试剂盒-图 热度: 高通量药物筛选利器--HTRF,在激酶研究(kinase)中的应用 热度: .perkinelmer Suggested procedure • Di lute the AMPK,1 kinase(ATP) inhibitors and ULight-Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase peptide in Kinase Buffer ...
RESULTS: Inhibition of GSK-3beta activity resulted in a significant decline of cellular ATP production, leading to a significant increase of AMP/ATP ratio, a strong trigger of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation in prostate cancer PC-3 cells. In parallel with increased LC-3B ...
Suppression of AMPK activity by CC or AMPK shRNA AAV vector was used to verify whether the AMPK-mTOR-TFEB signaling pathway also mediates the autophagic effects stimulated by MET. Interestingly, we found that either CC or AMPK shRNA AAV vector significantly attenuated the effects of MET on ...