Resistance to aminoglycosides of strain 981 was mediated by phosphotransferases APH (3′) type-IV and APH (3″). C. coli 981 harboured three plasmids of 24, 34, and 40 Megadaltons respectively. None of these plasmids were transferable to Escherichia coli K-12 by conjugation....
PHOSPHOTRANSFERASESBINDING sitesSTREPTOMYCESNEOMYCINStreptomyces rimosus ATCC 10970 contains 14 genes annotated as aminoglycoside phosphotransferases in its genome: aphSR1鈥揳phSR14. We have previously shown that the aphVIII (aphSR5) and aph(3'')-Id (aphSR3) genes, when cloning in ...
Providencia stuartii BM2667, which was isolated from an abdominal abscess, was resistant to amikacin by synthesis of aminoglycoside 3'-O-phosphotransferase type VI. The corresponding gene, aph(3')-VIa, was carried by a 30-kb self-transfe... T Lambert,G Gerbaud,P Courvalin - 《Antimicrobial...
The most prevalent aminoglycoside phosphotransferases are the APH(3′)s, which transfer a phosphate group to the 3′-hydroxyl of kanamycin A (7). From this class, APH(3′)-IIIa has been the best studied (4, 8, 9, 10). Product and dead end inhibition, solvent isotope, and viscosity ...
Purification and characterization of microbially expressed neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) protein and its equivalence to the plant expressed protein. The gene encoding neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) has been used routinely as a selectable marker in the production of genetically engineered ...
We have undertaken an enzymological study of the four APHs that were provisionally assigned to the class of (2″)-I phosphotransferases based on good sequence identity to the APH(2″)-Ia, whose regiospecificity of phosphate transfer was experimentally determined (25). These enzymes were origina...
Results: A novel aminoglycoside 3′-O-phosphotransferase gene designated aph(3′)-Id was identified in K. intermedia DW18 and shared the highest amino acid identity of 77.49% with the functionally characterized aminoglycoside 3′-Ophosphotransferase APH(3′)-Ia. The recombina...
The conformation of lividomycin A (1) bound to an aminoglycoside antibiotic 3'-phosphotransferase (APH (3')-IIIa), an enzyme that confers bacterial aminoglycoside resistance, was recently characterized via NMR spectroscopy. In contrast to the previously studied 4,5-disubstituted aminoglycosides, the ...
Mohsen Hashim RisanRisan M. H. Molecular detection of aminoglycoside phosphotransferase (aph) gene responsible for neomycin production from Streptomyces spp, JPP, 2017; 6(5): 175-182.
Streptomyces rimosus ATCC 10970 contains 14 genes annotated as aminoglycoside phosphotransferases in its genome: aphSR1鈥揳phSR14. We have previously shown that the aphVIII (aphSR5) and aph(3'')-Id (aphSR3) genes, when cloning in E. coli, cause resistance to kanamycin, neomycin, paromomycin...