AMG 509 contains two identical humanized anti-STEAP1 Fab domains that bind STEAP1-expressing cells, an anti-CD3 scFv domain that binds T cells, and an Fc domain, engineered to lack effector function, that extends serum half-life. In preclinical studies, AMG 509 induced potent and specific T...
AMG 509 contains two identical humanized anti-STEAP1 Fab domains that bind STEAP1-expressing cells, an anti-CD3 scFv domain that binds T cells, and an Fc domain, engineered to lack effector function, that extends serum half-life. In preclinical studies, AMG 509 induced potent and specific T...
AMG 513当前未公布靶点或作用机制,据clinicaltrials.gov网站显示,安进在2024年9月注册了AMG 513治疗减重的I期临床试验。试验预计在2026年3月完成,采用皮下注射或静脉注射的给药方式,旨在全面评估AMG 513在肥胖患者中的安全性和耐受性。 4. 诺和诺德一款新药II期临床失败,曾斥资11亿美元引进 2月5日,诺和诺德公布...