Platinum Card Concierge 服務:對於懶人或者大忙人,可以使用這個服務來訂餐館等等,據說服務非常給力。 【New】$800 手機保險:每個claim上限$800,每年上限 2 claims,deductible $50。保險內容是 theft 和 damage。只要用此卡付手機話費即可。 此卡可以擼 AmEx Offer,經常會有一些不錯的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返...
Amex Platinum 白金卡有着非常非常多的旅行福利和报销,用到其中一部分就已经可以值回年费了,比如 $200 Uber Cash、$100 Saks 报销、$200 酒店 Credit、$155 Walmart+ 会员,这几项加起来刚好$655,其它的福利都算是赚的了。算下来 Amex Platinum 白金卡其实比 Amex Gold 金卡划算很多,只要提供的福利能用的上。
Amex Platinum 运通白金信用卡介绍,福利详细说明、申请指南。Amex 白金卡属于运通 Membership Rewards Points 系列信用卡,用卡消费可以累积 MR 积分奖励。Amex 白金卡的年费比较高,$695/年,但是福利也很豪华,自带价值超过$1500的高端旅行福利和报销,比如每年的$200 Uber Cash 抵扣、$200 酒店报销、$155 Walmart+ 会...
$155 Walmart+ Credit. Walmart+ members enjoy shopping perks – both online and in-store – at Walmart. Use your Platinum Card® to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership (subject to auto-renewal) and receive a statement credit that covers the full cost3 each month. The Global Lounge C...
申请时,需要等待最高开卡礼。Amex卡可以通过撸卡优惠来获取额外的折扣,例如Walmart的$15返$5,Amazon的$75返$25等。 Amex白金卡(只有一次获得150K开卡奖励) 开卡奖励:在开卡后的6个月内,消费$6,000即可获得150,000 Membership Rewards (MR) 点数。最近最高的开卡奖励是150K+10x餐饮。
$155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum Card®to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month. ...
$155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum Card®to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month. ...
Amex Platinum 运通白金卡是一张高端信用卡,年费 $695,但提供丰富的报销和福利,包括 80,000 点开卡奖励、航空和酒店消费高额返点、每年 $200 酒店报销、$200 航空费用报销、$200 Uber Cash、$240 数字娱乐报销等。持卡人还可享受全球 140 多个国家的 1400 多个机场休息室通行证和多项酒店、租车会员权益,是追求...
You can get a monthly Walmart+ membership for free too ($12.95 statement credit plus local applicable sales tax that covers the full cost). Airport Lounge Access with Amex Platinum Everyone seems to go nuts for airport lounges. I’m not sure why. It’s generally buffet food that’s been...
$155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum Card®to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month. ...