现在 AMEX Platinum 系列卡/AmEx Business Gold 提供了 Walmart+的报销,这个报销无需注册,只要用对应的 Platinum 卡支付 Walmart+的 $12.95 月费就可以自己获取,而且包含税费。再强调一次,一定是每月的订阅费,如果你是按年订阅是没办法获取报销的。 You can receive a statement credit for...
具体来说,开过高年费的Platinum会影响低年费的Gold的开卡奖励,所以如果想都拿,建议先开Gold。 申卡时,AmEx可能会弹窗告知,因为你和AmEx关系不好,无法拿到此卡的开卡奖励。这种情况下就多刷刷已有的AmEx卡,尽量别关卡,等一段时间很可能就可以了,详情见《AmEx弹窗分析》。 AmEx 对 Hard Pull 数量不敏感。 信用...
【免費 Walmart+ 會員】每個月用 Amex Platinum 交 Walmart+ 會員,可以直接獲得會員費全額報銷 ($12.95/month)。Walmart+ 會員最主要的福利是 free shipping, free grocery delivery。 【Global Entry / TSA Pre-check 報銷】此卡可以報銷 Global Entry ($100) 或者 TSA Pre✓ ($85),up to $100。Global...
Saks $100 Benefit Enroll 链接(如果进入后出现 error,建议登录 AMEX 白金卡账户后再点链接) 其余需要注册的在官网福利介绍均能找到,就不一一列举了 申请: 这卡比较水,一般有个一年左右的信用都能秒过。这张卡属于 charge 卡。 现在不同风味的 Platinum 卡的开卡奖励可能互相冲突了。这是 ...
目前Amex Platinum 白金卡的开卡奖励为: 80,000 MR点数,需开卡后 6 个月内消费满 $8000; 申请链接 开卡奖励:80K MR 点数,需要在开卡后 6 个月内消费满 $8000。 年费:$695,不免首年年费。 主要福利:多倍返现和非常多的报销,详见下文。 境外消费手续费:无 ...
此卡可以撸AmEx Offer,经常会有一些不错的商家折扣,比如 Walmart $15 返 $5,比如 Amazon $75 返 $25。 此卡的返点为 Membership Rewards,与开卡奖励特别高的卡如PRG、AmEx Platinum等得到的点数是相同的,所以将来可以在年费卡不想要了的时候,可以把其中的 Membership Rewards 转到这张无年费卡上继续留着。
Platinum Cardholders who opened accounts prior to July 1, 2021, will see the new annual fee take effect on their annual renewal dates on or after Jan. 1, 2022. Business Platinum Card® from American Express Cardholders benefit, too
You need to pay with your Platinum card to use this benefit. Up to $200 airline fee credit: Get up to $20 back in statement credits each month on eligible purchases made with your Platinum Card® on one or more of the following: Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New ...
Use your Platinum Card® to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month. $200 Airline Fee Credit: Select one qualifying airline and then receive up to $200 in statement credits per calendar year...
Why get the Amex Platinum? Key takeaways The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card and The Platinum Card® from American Express are two of the top premium travel cards on the market. The Venture X has an edge thanks to its higher rewards potential, but the Amex Platinum's welc...