Our Use of Cookies American Express uses cookies on this website to ensure its proper performance and security and to provide you with the services you have requested (essential cookies). We also wish to use cookies to remember your preferences, understand how you use this website, an...
To save time before you apply for your Amex®Cashback Everyday Credit Card (full name: Platinum Cashback Everyday Credit Card), it's best to make sure you can say yes to the following. I am aged 18 or over I understand I will not be eligible for a Welcome Cashback ...
💳首先,Amex白金返现系列有两款产品:Platinum Cashback Everyday和Platinum Cashback。为了方便理解,我们可以把前者简称为“基础版”,后者简称为“年费版”。💰年费版适合年消费达到£1w以上的用户,因为它在£1w以上的消费部分返现1.25%,而且还有为期3个月的5%开卡奖励,上限为£125。返现无上限,无低消要求。...
The introductory offer of 5% cashback for the first three months for customers who haven’t held an Amex card in the past two years (capped at £100 for Platinum Everyday and £125 for Platinum Cashback) will stand. However, the cashback rates on spending outside of that window will f...
Amex Cashback Everyday card: £25 extra bonus American Express has ditched the word “Platinum” from its cashback cards, but they work the same as before. However, there’s now an extra cashback bonus for new customers worth up to £25. ...
上次介绍了Amex Platinum Cashback信用卡,运通家还有另一张级别低些的返利卡:Platinum Everyday Cashback,虽然没有年费,但是返还率差了好多,就不专门介绍了。今天说说Amex家比较另类的一张返利卡片:Costco TrueEarnings。 【卡片类型】 Amex信用卡。 【年费】 ...
英国信用卡系列(14)Amex Platinum Cashback 之前介绍了那么多酒店、里程和Rewards类型的信用卡,不知道大家有没有审美疲劳。最近有好几个人问了关于Cashback信用卡的问题,今天就从运通的这张Platinum Cashback开始,介绍一下返利系的几张信用卡。 【卡片类型】
AMEX 近期给 Platinum 系列卡进行了福利升级和年费升级,其中就新增了 $240 娱乐相关报销。我们就来简单介绍一下这个 credit 怎么用,有没有可能玩一些倒赚变现之类的。 每个月报销 $20,目前只能用在 Disney+, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, SiriusXM, and The Wall Street ...
Amex EveryDay –there's no annual fee for this card. Unlike the other options though, cardholders receive cashback at certain outlets when using this Amex card. Amex Prepaid Card –this debit card offers the same security features of Amex credit cards. The only difference is the cardholder pl...
For rates and fees of The Platinum Card® from American Express, click here.For rates and fees of the American Express® Gold Card, click here.For rates and fees of the Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express, click here.For rates and fees of the Blue Cash Everyday® from...