American Express uses cookies on this website to ensure its proper performance and security and to provide you with the services you have requested (essential cookies). We also wish to use cookies to remember your preferences, understand how you use this website, and enable us and our...
Get cashback on your purchases with the Amex Platinum Cashback Credit Card. Reward yourself with a great range of benefits from our travel and retail partners.
之前介绍了那么多酒店、里程和Rewards类型的信用卡,不知道大家有没有审美疲劳。最近有好几个人问了关于Cashback信用卡的问题,今天就从运通的这张Platinum Cashback开始,介绍一下返利系的几张信用卡。 【卡片类型】 Amex信用卡。注意这张卡和Amex白金卡(American Express Platinum)的区别。 【年费】 £25 【申请须知...
申请时间:10月25号之前的新用户 新用户的定义:过去24个月内没有拥有过Membership Rewards系列的卡,包括英国的Gold、小蓝Rewards Card、小绿卡等。如果你现在有Amex联名的BA、BAPP、Marriott之类的卡,或者Platinum Cashback,都不影响这个offer。 积分和旅行信用:自己申请是60K points,白金用户refer的是65K。新用户还有...
Amex Cashback Everyday card: £25 extra bonus American Express has ditched the word “Platinum” from its cashback cards, but they work the same as before. However, there’s now an extra cashback bonus for new customers worth up to £25. ...
AMEX Platinum Schwab AMEX Platinum Morgan Stanley AMEX Platinum Goldman Sachs 白金卡的老用户这个福利是自动生效的,但是一定记得在 benefit 页面 enroll 了再使用哦 enroll 娱乐报销页面 Wall Street Journal WSJ 属于价格经常打骨折的,动不动就是每个月只要 $2。不过这只是第一年的价格,之后很可...
The Platinum Cashback card currently pays 1% interest on spending below £10,000. That will fall to 0.75%, taking your potential cashback earnings from £100 to £75 (£75 to £50 when you account for the £25 annual cost of the card). You’ll still cashback at a rate of ...
The current offer on the American Express Platinum Card comes with worldwide airport lounge access, a $200 annual travel credit, platinum hotel memberships, travel medical insurance, a sleek metal card, and a welcome bonus of up to 100,000 MR points, which I value at $2,000 – $3,000....
AMEX Platinum——高端福利卡【2021.1 更新:100K+10x 仍然有效+$180 PayPal 报销】 刚需使用 eBay BestBuy/Walmart/Target/Neweggs CVS(支持 QR 扫码)/Walgreen 很多很多线上商户,如 Saks【可以与原本 $50 报销一起触发】 Weee!【注册送 $10 抵用券】 ...
VPS大玩家猜测试这个大佬应该是申请了多张员工卡(Employee Cards),免年费的那种:Employee Business Green Rewards Card,共享主卡额度。持有这张Amex Business Platinum商业信用卡,还可以申请卡头为370021的虚拟信用卡。 美国还有哪些信用卡共享额度?Capital One,美国花旗虚拟信用卡以及Stripe 虚拟信用卡。