邮箱:admissions@aud.edu 地址: Admissions Office The American University in Dubai Administration Building P. O. Box: 28282 Dubai, UAE 工作时间: 周日-周四 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 也可在线咨询留言,校方会及时给予回复;或联系全球教育网。
Dubai, United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 电话: 网站:www.aud.edu 招生办公室地址 Dubai, United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 电话: 邮箱:admissions@aud.edu 联系人:Zeina Tannir Director of Admissions 学校类型 Private University Four-year ...
自成立以来,迪拜美国大学一直致力于提供世界一流的教育,为学生在学术、个人和专业上为他们所选领域的成功职业生涯做准备。我们的使命是促进学习,帮助学生取得成功,实现梦想。在迪拜美国大学,学生的成功至关重要。 我校教育方法面向过程;我们的课程以职业为导向,以技能为基础。我校重视理论结合时实践。以学生为本,我们...
The American University in Dubai (AUD) has completed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to partner with the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine (Penn Medicine) in establishing the AUD School of Medicine in Dubai. AUD aims to boost medical educat...
To truly get the most of their AUD experience, students must get involved in the college activities. Whether it’s through joining a club, or starting one of their own or perhaps creating a special one-of-a-kind event. The university also include student activities that include over 50 acti...
American University in Dubai即美国大学迪拜分校,是位于阿联酋的一所私立大学。The American University in Dubai (AUD) (Arabic: ??? ??? ?? ???) is a private, non-sectarian institution of higher learning in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, founded in 1995. AUD is accredited regionally as a separate...
Academia and industry unite to promote AI education, research, and practice The American University in Dubai (AUD) has announced a groundbreaking Ma
AUD’s architecture students are expected to carry out their creations based on a clear understanding of both the physics and characteristics of the building materials as well as the aesthetics of the structures. School Philosophy The Philosophy of The American University in Dubai is derived directly...
Explore Study Abroad programs in Dubai, United Arab Emirates such as Study Abroad Fall, Spring or Summer at the American University in Dubai (AUD) - Middle East from American University in Dubai
迪拜美国大学(American University in Dubai)成立于1995年,是中东地区首家得到美国教育认证的大学,也是一所非宗教性质的私立高等学府。该院校为世界各国培养和输送了大批高素质人才,并为所有学生提供最好的教育服务。其工商管理、艺术和新闻专业在中东名列前茅。 AUD所有课程 认证机构 01 阿联酋高等教育部 02 知识与人力...