自成立以来,迪拜美国大学一直致力于提供世界一流的教育,为学生在学术、个人和专业上为他们所选领域的成功职业生涯做准备。我们的使命是促进学习,帮助学生取得成功,实现梦想。在迪拜美国大学,学生的成功至关重要。 我校教育方法面向过程;我们的课程以职业为导向,以技能为基础。我校重视理论结合时实践。以学生为本,我们...
校长致辞 欢迎来到迪拜美国大学。 像所有网站一样,迪拜美国大学官网提供了丰富的信息:有关迪拜美国大学的认证、所提供的学位课程、课堂教学以外的学生服务、设施和人员 - 由学生、管理人员、教职员工 - 组成大学社区。 把他们连接在一起的纽带是迪拜美国大学真正的美国精神,同时也表达了对当地生活的无比尊重。 保持...
The American University in Dubai serves as a culturally diverse learning community committed to the pursuit of knowledge through excellence in teaching and scholarly and creative endeavor, leading to students’ academic, personal and professional success, as well as the advancement of society. ...
The American University in Dubai is a higher education institution focused on providing accredited undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines. The university offers a range of degree programs designed to foster academic, personal, and professional success in a culturally diverse learning...
迪拜美国大学(American University in Dubai)成立于1995年,是中东地区首家得到美国教育认证的大学,也是一所非宗教性质的私立高等学府。该院校为世界各国培养和输送了大批高素质人才,并为所有学生提供最好的教育服务。其工商管理、艺术和新闻专业在中东名列前茅。 AUD所有课程 认证机构 01 阿联酋高等教育部 02 知识与人力...
The American University in Dubai (AUD) has announced a groundbreaking Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (M.S.A.I.) program. The new program positions the university at the forefront of AI innovation and education in the region. Designed to deepen the expertise of the...
迪拜美国大学 American University in Dubai,是一所Private学校,位于美国的Dubai,位列USNews。迪拜美国大学最受欢迎专业
迪拜美国大学(American University in Dubai)成立于1995年,是中东地区首家得到美国教育认证的大学,也是一所非宗教性质的私立高等学府。该院校为世界各国培养和输送了大批高素质人才,并为所有学生提供最好的教育服务。其工商管理、艺术和新闻专业在中东名列前茅。
American University in Dubai Department of Architecture The Mission of the Bachelor of Architecture program is to prepare highly qualified graduates for employment in the building industry. Students will be educated in the fundamental skills and knowledge of architecture, while integrating history and theo...
Institution:American University in Dubai School:School of Architecture Art and Design Course:ARCH 502 - Architectural Studio X Tutors:Anna Cornaro and Mattia Gambardella School statement: "This capstone course allows students to implement their thesis research by developing a project that integrates all ...