The American School in Japan, Tokyo’s leading international school, has developed a bold new academic mission that seeks to build a community of inquisitive learners and independent thinkers. ASIJ enlisted Ennead to create a master plan that aligns the campus with this ambitious vision. Conceived ...
American School in Japan(ASIJ)自1902年成立以来,一直以其卓越的美式教育闻名于世。ASIJ坐落于日本东京,学校拥有先进的教学设施与一流的师资队伍,致力于为学生营造与美国本土相同的学习环境。 作为东京历史最悠久、规模最大的国际学校,ASIJ凭借百余年的丰富办学经验,被WASC评价为“世界顶尖国际学校之一”,培养出了无...
Originally founded in 1902, The American School in Japan consists of 2 campuses.ASIJ has a rich and successful history that spans over 100 years and places it among the top international schools in the world. The success of its past students and the educational achievements of its current stude...
ASIJ是一所非营利性、独立的男女同校走读学校,提供美式大学预科教育。 The American School in Japan ASIJ is a non-profit, independent, co-educational day school that offers an American-style college preparatory education. 省/州(state)tokyo
American School in Japan (ASIJ) has unveiled Ennead's master plan design in a recent article from The Japan Times. This article addresses one feature of the design that stands out; The most unique part of the architectural vision, designed by a U.S.-based team from Ennead Architects, consi...
each student’s learning progress through the year, invite parents for two formal conference times, and share formal reports during the middle and end of the school year. To let your child dream, think, and plan for their future, clickhereto learn more about The American School in Japan. ...