AMD vs 英伟达:驱动程序和软件 AMD和英伟达提供各种软件功能,不仅支持缩放和高刷新率。AMD的功能包括 Radeon Chill(一种旨在降低风扇噪音和系统温度的模式)、Radeon Image Sharpening(一种旨在提高游戏清晰度的过滤器)和AMD Integer Scaling(有助于呈现较旧的复古游戏)。 与此同时,英伟达提供了Nvidia Ansel,一种在特定...
But 4k to 1440p is not integer scaling [1.5:1.5], hence it will be more blurry than it should. It's main usage is on something like 1080p [to be more specific 4k->1080p as 2:2 scalar] and lower to use higher native res and downscale it for better AA (and it w...