1. "ambiguous column name"错误的含义 "ambiguous column name"错误,直译为“模棱两可的列名”,是指在SQL查询中,由于查询涉及多个表,而这些表中存在同名的列,但没有明确指定是哪个表的列,导致数据库无法确定引用的是哪个表的列,从而引发的错误。 2. 可能导致"ambiguous column name"错误的常见场景 多表连接查询...
1 Invalid column name in SQL Server 0 Getting Ambiguous Column Name Error 0 ambiguous column name error sql server 2008 2 Invalid Column name but still working 0 SQL Server 2008 - Ambiguous column name 0 Ambiguous column name error SQL 1 Error: Ambiguous column name 2 Error abou...
Ambiguous column name 'AddedDate'. 原来就是Forums表中和Post表中具有相同的列AddedDate,通过as 方式改写就可以解决了 SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tbh_Forums_GetThreadByID]') AND type in (N...
Ambiguous column name 'AddedDate'. 原来就是Forums表中和Post表中具有相同的列AddedDate,通过as 方式改写就可以解决了 SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tbh_Forums_GetThreadByID]') AND type in (N...
In SQL, ambiguous column error you can see many times. Here’re a few examples of how to resolve this error. Here is a link for SQL set operators10 Top Rules for SQL Set Operators. Advertisements What is Ambiguous Column Error The ambiguous columns mean,SQLdoes not understand which column...
Power BI services, connected to Snowflake, generates SQL that triggers an error: " Unable to connect to the data source ODBC: ERROR [42601] SQL compilation error: ambiguous column name 'name'." The tables and attributes in question are DEALS.name, SCOPES.name, SUB_SCOPES.name, and QUESTIO...
3 Unknown column error in MySQL (#1054) 2 Overcoming ambiguous field error in SQL query 0 sql select statement giving column error 1 mysql query error 1054 - unknown column 1 mysql query ambiguous error 1 MySQL unknown column in my query 2 How to fix "1054 - unknown column on ...
I'll look into this tomorrow but since the update to 2.2.0 I've noticed this issue on sentry; ProgrammingError at /app/model/1/ column reference "id" is ambiguous LINE 1: SELECT (CASE WHEN id='1' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "... It compla...
from ibdhl A left join ibdhldetail B ON IhlId=B.IhlId 在 on 后面,应该要写成 A.IhlId=B.IhlId 。因为这两个字段名是一样的,系统无法判断你是从什么表获取数据,所以就 ambiguous 了。
"Ambiguous column name TaskID" erroron one db-server only. This is ridiculous. We tested this with the same database structure on different servers and different versions of SQL Server (2005 / 2008), and it's only THIS particular client's server that throws the error. I'm actually ...