1. “column ambiguously defined”错误的含义 java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined 错误表明在执行 SQL 查询时,查询中引用了至少一个列名,但该列名在多个表中都存在,导致 Oracle 数据库无法确定应该使用哪个表的列。这通常发生在多表连接查询中,如果查询中引用了多个表中同名的列...
1 How to fix PL/SQL: ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined in Oracle 1 How to fix ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined 0 SQL Error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here 00984. 00000 - "column not allowed here" Hot Network Questions Why is the term "card" used in "expansion car...
SQL"column ambiguously defined"异常 使用Hibernate的NativeSQL写了一个查询语句,但是后台报了SQL语法错误,具体报错如下: [2012-08-08 12:55:00] ERROR -> ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined [2012-08-08 12:55:00] ERROR -> org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query 原因一:...
ORA-00918:column ambiguously defined. 原因:使用相同的列被定义重复 SQL>select 1 as cc ,2 as cc from dual; SQL>select * from (select 1 as ,2 as cc from dual); 解决办法:把相同的列名改成不同的列名 SQL>select 1 as cc ,2 as dd from dual; SQL>select * from (select 1 as ,2 as ...
1. 未明确定义列 或 某一列定义比较模糊造成的错误 [Error Code: 918, SQL State: 42000] ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined 2. 出现错误的原因: 当进行多表连接查询的时候,如果表a与表b连接,且a与b中存在两个相同的字段,则必须指明字段是哪个表的,否则就会报"未明确定义列"的错误。
Oracle Transportation Management - Version 5.5.05 to 6.0.3 [Release 5.5 to 6]: "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined" Error When using "Creat
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined 外层t.*的时候,可能发现重复字段,所以检查内层的sql是否出现了重复字段的查询。
I'm facing this ambiguously defined error. I understand this is due to alias not defined properly but I am not able to understand in the below query why this error is coming. I'm using Oracle. SELECTpapf.person_numberaspersonnumber, paam.position_idasposition, fabu.bu_nameFROM(SELECTpapf....
SQL"column ambiguously defined"异常 2012-08-08 13:11 −使用Hibernate的NativeSQL写了一个查询语句,但是后台报了SQL语法错误,具体报错如下: [2012-08-08 12:55:00] ERROR -> ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined [2012-08-08 12:55:00] ERR... ...
is_in_bill IS NULL 14 ORDER BY ksrq, yz_id ; bq, cfh, lrysdm, lrysxm, lrrq, hdrdm, hdrxm, hdrq, sender_code, * ERROR at line 4: ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined SQL> select COLUMN_NAME,TABLE_NAME from DBA_tab_columns where column_name='BQ' 2 AND TABLE_NAME IN('YZ...