Having TNF on Prime normalizes the idea of having a premier showcase on a different platform than the sporting public has been accustomed to for generations. Even if they are watching through alternative means (read: shared authentication and/or illegal streams), the much sought-after Gen Z vi...
“We’re thrilled to add the NBA to our growing portfolio of live sports content on Prime Video, as we extend our partnership with the WNBA,” said Alan Moss, vice president of global ad sales at Amazon Ads. “Over the past two seasons as the exclusive home to TNF, our customers have...
Delivery.All TNF Campaign placements will be served by Amazon within Amazon’s TNF broadcasts on Prime Video, Twitch, local broadcast and out of home. Except as set forth in these terms or as otherwise indicated by Amazon, third-party tracking is not available. Any impressions set forth in ...
Delivery.All TNF Campaign placements will be served by Amazon within Amazon’s TNF broadcasts on Prime Video, Twitch, local broadcast and out-of-home. Except as set forth in these terms or as otherwise indicated by Amazon, third-party tracking is not available. Any impressions set forth in ...
“We’re thrilled to add the NBA to our growing portfolio of live sports content on Prime Video, as we extend our partnership with the WNBA,” said Alan Moss, vice president of global ad sales at Amazon Ads. “Over the past two seasons as the exclusive home to TNF, our customers have...
Amazon Adsのグローバル広告営業担当副社長であるAlan Mossは「Prime Videoで増え続けるスポーツ中継コンテンツのポートフォリオにNBAが加わり、またWNBAとのパートナーシップを拡大できることを嬉しく思います」と述べています。「過去2シーズンにわたって(Prime Videoが)TNFを独占配信してきた...
Gli spettatori di TNF su Prime Video guardano inoltre una media di 82 minuti a partita, il 6% in più rispetto al pubblico lineare della NFL. Secondo Nielsen, la stagione 2023 di TNF ha registrato un aumento del 24% tra gli spettatori totali rispetto alla stagione precedente (11,86 ...
“We’re thrilled to add the NBA to our growing portfolio of live sports content on Prime Video, as we extend our partnership with the WNBA,” said Alan Moss, vice president of global ad sales at Amazon Ads. “Over the past two seasons as the exclusive home to TNF, our customers have...
“We’re thrilled to add the NBA to our growing portfolio of live sports content on Prime Video, as we extend our partnership with the WNBA,” said Alan Moss, vice president of global ad sales at Amazon Ads. “Over the past two seasons as the exclusive home to TNF, our customers have...
TNF su Prime Video guardano inoltre una media di 82 minuti a partita, il 6% in più rispetto al pubblico lineare della NFL. Secondo Nielsen, la stagione 2023 di TNF ha registrato un aumento del 24% tra gli spettatori totali rispetto alla stagione precedente (11,86 milioni contro 9,58...