TNF sur Prime Video regardent également en moyenne 82 minutes par match, soit 6 % de plus que pour la NFL sur la télévision linéaire. Selon Nielsen, la saison 2023 de TNF sur Prime Video a enregistré une augmentation de 24 % du nombre total de téléspectateurs par rapport à la ...
“Durante las últimas dos temporadas como el hogar exclusivo de TNF, nuestros clientes han experimentado un éxito rotundo al llegar a millones de fanáticos a través de Prime Video. Nos emociona seguir expandiendo nuestra oferta de deportes en vivo para ayudar a las marcas a conectar con ...
Gli spettatori di TNF su Prime Video guardano inoltre una media di 82 minuti a partita, il 6% in più rispetto al pubblico lineare della NFL. Secondo Nielsen, la stagione 2023 di TNF ha registrato un aumento del 24% tra gli spettatori totali rispetto alla stagione precedente (11,86 ...
“En las últimas dos temporadas, al ser la plataforma exclusiva de TNF, nuestros números de clientes tuvieron un tremendo éxito al llegar a millones de fanáticos en Prime Video. Nos emociona poder continuar expandiendo nuestra oferta de deportes en vivo para ayudar a las marcas a conectar...
Prime Video Prime Video全部分类Kindle商店MP3 音乐优惠健康和家居用品图书女士时尚女童时尚婴儿用品宠物用品家居厨房用品工业科技工具与家居装饰工艺品影视汽车玩具与游戏电子产品男士时尚男童时尚美容和个人护理行李箱包视频游戏计算机软件运动与户外用品音乐、CD 和黑胶唱片 ...
TNF sur Prime Video regardent également en moyenne 82 minutes par match, soit 6 % de plus que les spectateurs linéaires de la NFL Selon Nielsen, la saison 2023 de TNF sur Prime Video a enregistré une augmentation de 24 % du nombre total de spectateurs par rapport à la saison ...
“We’re thrilled to add the NBA to our growing portfolio of live sports content on Prime Video, as we extend our partnership with the WNBA,” said Alan Moss, vice president of global ad sales at Amazon Ads. “Over the past two seasons as the exclusive home to TNF, our customers have...
“We’re thrilled to add the NBA to our growing portfolio of live sports content on Prime Video, as we extend our partnership with the WNBA,” said Alan Moss, vice president of global ad sales at Amazon Ads. “Over the past two seasons as the exclusive home to TNF, our customers have...
“We’re thrilled to add the NBA to our growing portfolio of live sports content on Prime Video, as we extend our partnership with the WNBA,” said Alan Moss, vice president of global ad sales at Amazon Ads. “Over the past two seasons as the exclusive home to TNF, our customers have...
TNF su Prime Video guardano inoltre una media di 82 minuti a partita, il 6% in più rispetto al pubblico lineare della NFL. Secondo Nielsen, la stagione 2023 di TNF ha registrato un aumento del 24% tra gli spettatori totali rispetto alla stagione precedente (11,86 milioni contro 9,58...