The Kindle Paperwhite WiFi US Version has a 300 ppi display, no glare in sunlight, Bookerly font, Vocabulary Builder, and access to over three million books. Use the Kindle app to read on any device. Includes special offers. Money can't buy happiness, shopping does!
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The 2019 Kindle e-reader has a built-in adjustable reading light, long battery life, adjustable font sizes, Whispersync synchronization, X-Ray, and 4/8GB storage for on-the-go reading. You name it! Product Description 內置閱讀燈 內置閱讀燈可隨意調節亮度,在任何光線下均可享受閱讀體驗。 Kindle E-reader, 6" Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers (Previous Generation – 7th) : Electronics
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If your Kindle has ads or “Special Offers” showing onscreen, it’s because you made a deal. You chose to save money on your Kindle’s purchase price by accepting the “Ad-Supported discount (formerly known as the “With Special Offers” discount). It seemed like a good ide...
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