今天分享的是kindle special offers 电子书优惠券。 Kindle广告版是amazon自营的电子书,会额外提供一些amazon的优惠劵,如全场满$10-5券,endless网站满$70-25券等。长期海淘或专业代购的TX不妨自己淘一个kindle,用得好一年下来送的优惠券抵得上一本Kindle的本钱了(最低$79)。当然没有Kindle的TX也不必遗憾,有很多...
Kindle All-new Kindle - Now with a Built-in Front Light - Black - Includes Special Offers $89.99 KindleAmazon 1 go toAmazon Similar Products ¥958.00 Kindle Paperwhite电子书阅读器: 300 ppi超清电子墨水触控屏、内置阅读灯、超长续航 DetailShop Now ...
Amazon.com: Kindle E-reader, 6" Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers (Previous Generation – 7th) : Electronics
Kindle Paperwhite - Waterproof - Black (with Special Offers) $129.99 Amazon go toAmazon Details Comments Shared by fans Similar Products Recently Viewed Products you may like Similar Products $99.99 Amazon All-new Kindle (2022 release) – Now with a 6” glare-free 300 ppi high-resolution disp...
Amazon.com: Kindle E-reader, 6" Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers (Previous Generation – 7th) : Electronics
All-new Kindle 2019 e-book reader WiFi built-in reading light, and the compact and thin design makes it more convenient and comfortable to hold in one hand. Kindle consumes almost no electricity, allowing you to charge it for weeks, not just days. It is
Kindle Paperwhite Wifi with Special Offers 电子阅读器,现价$99(指导价$119)。 Kindle with special offers 电子阅读器现价$49(指导价$69) 免运费。 Kindle是Kindle家族的第5代产品,与前一代产品相比,保持了6英寸的电子墨水屏幕,但重量更轻,速度更快,屏幕也更清晰。新Kindle更换了字体,阅读体验更好,翻页...
Enjoy text that reads like the printed page. Unlike reflective tablet and smartphone screens, the latest Kindle Paperwhite reads like paper – no annoying glare, even in bright sunlight.
The new $79 Kindle with Special Offers is my first Kindle - but I already had over 90 Kindle books in my account. For the past couple of years I have used Kindle apps on my iPad, iPhone, tablet PC, desktop PC, and laptop.
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