Amazon opens lending library for Kindle readersThe article reports that Internet retailer Inc. has opened a lending library of digital books for the owner of its Kindle electronic readers.Flare
Amazon took another step toward pulling its hardware and digital content into an increasingly tight package on Wednesday when itannouncedthe launch of theKindle Owners’ Lending Library. As its name suggests, the new service, which allows users to borrow one digital book per month, is open to a...
Amazon isn’t showing its complete lending library selection online, but says lending titles include popular titles such as “Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game,”“The Big Short” and “Liars’ Poker” by Michael Lewis, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. C...
Amazon to Launch Library Lending for Kindle Books Quick comments: 1. I was aware something like this was coming. I've been wondering when it would happen, and just how. I think they did it right, from a ...
Amazon’s Kindle e-reader will finally play nice with libraries. The company announced today that it will debut a Kindle library lending feature later this year with participation from more than 11,000 US public libraries.
figure out a business model that works. The Prime program, which has tens of millions of members, already offers two-day shipping on select Amazon purchases, a Netflix-like streaming video service, and a lending library of e-books for Kindle devices, the Amazon family of tablets and e-...
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Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. There are some free Amazon Kindle books that you can check out for free with Amazon Prime. As an Amazon Prime Student, you don’t have access to the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. Amazon Family Discounts. 20% diaper discounts and 15% baby registry completio...
Kindle Owners’ Lending Library的书籍量增加超过2倍,超过30万册书籍,其中包括我们投入上百万美元购买的《哈利波特》系列。这些改进并非「必要」,但我们很积极地在做这些事情。另一项「非必要」的重要投资是Amazon配送服务。Amazon配送服务为第三方卖家提供我们的仓储空间和配送网络。对我们的第三方卖家来说,这大大改变...