Amazon Prime subscribers can now read more than 5,000 Kindle e-book titles for free thanks to a new service calledKindle Owners’ Lending Library, but only if you own a Kindle device. The new Prime feature lets you borrow one book per month and read it on your Kindle device for as lon...
* Library lending generates buzz around a title. * Some library lending doesn't cannibalize sales. Those people wouldn't buy the book, so nothing is lost. * Some of the lending turns into buying--especially if the loan period is inflexible, the book can't be renewed from a distance, et...
“It’s not clear to us that current digital library lending models fairly balance the interests of authors and library patrons.” Yet publishers, not authors, decide the fate of a book’s various distribution deals, and Amazon apparently does not want libraries lending its ebooks, at lea...
The article discusses the lending practices of the online bookseller Amazon and addresses their significance for libraries. It focuses on an announcement on November 2, 2011 that Amazon had launched the Kindle Owners Lending Library, for use with its electronic book (ebook) reader Kindle. It ...
Amazon took another step toward pulling its hardware and digital content into an increasingly tight package on Wednesday when itannouncedthe launch of theKindle Owners’ Lending Library. As its name suggests, the new service, which allows users to borrow one digital book per month, is open to ...
Borrowing from a public library. Borrowing from the AmazonKindle Owners’ Lending Library. If you're still looking for options forfree booksafter reviewing those listed above, you can also check outAmazon's Prime Reading programthat offers a host of great benefits, too. ...
Amazon’s Kindle e-reader will finally play nice with libraries. The company announced today that it will debut a Kindle library lending feature later this year with participation from more than 11,000 US public libraries.
Kindle users have been able to (unofficially) borrow e-books for some time, through the use of services Unlike these services, however, Amazon’s borrowing feature appears to require actually visiting a library, rather than being allowed to perform the download fro...
But it turned out that the opening of the Kindle Owners Lending Library in the UK, France and Germany, plus the huge holiday sales of Kindle Fire devices, added so many new users that the payment actually fell: Over time, Amazon has shown that they are targeting a royalty of around $...
Amazon Prime's Kindle Lending Library A short point on the Kindle Lending Library, as it doesn't offer a huge amount, but is still a nice bonus. As part of your Amazon Prime membership, you can borrow one book from the Kindle store per calendar month. ...