内容提示: ALSO BY AMARTYA SEN Collective Choice and Social Welfare On Economic Inequality Employment, Technology and Development Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation Choice, Welfare and Management Resources, Values and Development Commodities and Capabilities The Standard of Living ...
This article examines the imapacts of Amartya Sen's work on development. Sen's work includes topics of inequality, alternative definitions of poverty, and gender inequality.O'Hearn, DenisPolicy & Practice A Development Education ReviewO'Hearn, Denis. 2009. Amartya Sen's Development as Freedom: ...
内容提示: ALSO BY AMARTYA SEN Collective Choice and Social Welfare On Economic Inequality Employment, Technology and Development Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation Choice, Welfare and Management Resources, Values and Development Commodities and Capabilities The Stand a rd of ...
伦理学与经济学-()阿马蒂亚·森(AmartyaSen)著王宇.pdf,第 1 页 对于那些关心当代经济学与道德哲学之间关系的经济学家、 IX 哲学家和政治科学家们来说 ,这本书可谓是一个思想“宝库 ”。阿 马蒂亚 ·森教授清晰、通俗、活泼和富有激情 的写作远远超 出了那 些对伦理学与
AMARTYASEN’SCAPABILITYAPPROACHTO DEVELOPMENTANDGAUDIUMETSPES: ONPOLITICALPARTICIPATIONANDSTRUCTURALSOLIDARITY SéverineDeneulin VonHügelInstitute,StEdmund’sCollege,Cambridge,UK smpd2@cam.ac.uk 1.AmartyaSen’sCapabilityApproachandGaudiumetSpes Currentdevelopmentthinkinghasbeendominatedbywhatcanbecalledthe‘human ...
This chapter engages with Foucault’s critical exploration of shifts and transformations in liberal frameworks of governmental rationality to consider how our understanding of the human subject has been transformed within development discourses. The focu
Sen’s ideas of development and human value may be productively combined with Latour’s work on the shaping of human agency and sociability through technics and design. We claim that both Sen and Latour view development as a process of ‘liberation within’—a careful reordering of everyday ...
todevelopment, andpointedOUtthatfreedomisnotonlytheprimarypurposeof development,butalsothenecessarymeasuresofdevelopment; meanwhilethecomprehensiveevaluationstandardOnthebasisof broadeninginformationaSwel1.Thisideologyisofsignificant valueforthedevelopmentofsociety. Keywords:AmartyaSen;freedom;eapabilitie;development; ...
Amartya SenCapabilities Approachsocial inequalitytranshumanismZygon, EarlyView.doi:10.1111/zygo.12740I. Sil Yoon
The paper suggests that Sen's development of a 'scholarly bridge' between human rights and economics is an important and innovative contribution that has methodological as well as substantive importance and that provides a prototype and stimuli for future research. It also establishes that the idea ...