The present research examines, within the context of political thought and using the analytical-interpretive method, the most important theoretical assumptions of Amartya Sen's capability approach, and investigates its effects on the field of gender equality. Here it is argued that understanding ...
This new Major Work from Routledge is a five-volume collection of the key critical assessments of Amartya Sen (b. 1933), probably best known for his work on famine, human development and welfare economics. Sen is one of the few modern academics who has commanded much respect and recognition...
Critical Theory, International Relations, Political Sociology and Political Philosophy.Recent publications include Amartya Sen, Karl Polanyi, and Universal Basic Income(Journal of Human Development and Capabilities,2023 ) and Developme...
Throughout his academic career spanning over 5 decades, Amartya Sen has informed and challenged the world with his global vision, humanism, and emphasis on reason in public discourse. By drawing attention to the expanded ethical, global, and policy dimensions of important economic, philosophical, ...
His work in the field of development economics has had a significant influence in the formulation of the Human Development Report, published by the United Nations. This annual publication ranks countries on a variety of economic and social indicators and it owes much to the contributions by Sen....
Amartya Sen, the World Bank, and the Redress of Urban Poverty: A Brazilian Case Study[J] . Alexandre Apsan Frediani.Journal of Human Development and Capabilities . 2007 (1)Frediani A. A. (2007): Amartya Sen, the World Bank, and the Redress of Urban Poverty: A Brazilian Case Study. ...
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development 10 (2), 213-235.“The Relational Ontology of Amartya Sen's Capability Approach: Incorporating Social and Individual Causes - Smith, Seward...
Amartya Sen won the Nobel Prize for his work on human development. He defined human development as:A.GDPB.A ranking amongst countries done by the United NationsC.HappinessD.Developing your capabilities and having positiveE.Loving and being loved by peopl
While Sen has written about sustainability and environmental concerns both at a foundational level as well as in his work on India, critics may argue that he has failed to engage adequately with these issues. I explore this line of criticism and make some points which are relevant to its ...
Economic Theory, Freedom and Human Rights: The Work of Amartya Sen This Briefing Paper reviews the ways in which the Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Amartya Sen has focussed international attention on the significance of fundamental human freedoms and human rights for development theory and pra...