1. 根据第一段中的Amanda Gorman, a 22-year-old poet, recited her poem The Hill We Climb at the recent Presidential Inauguration (就职) Ceremony.(22岁的诗人Amanda Gorman在最近的总统就职典礼上朗诵了她的诗《我们攀登的山峰》)可知,Amanda Gorman在最近的总统就职仪式上朗诵了自己的一首原创诗歌,故选C...
That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb, if only we dare. It’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit. It’s the past we step into and how we repair it. We’ve seen a force that...
We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be a country that is bruised, but whole,benevolent, but bold, fierce, and free. We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation...
then victory won’t lie in the blade, but in all the bridges we’ve made. That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb if only we dare. It’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit
英语诗歌中遵循free verse的形式,当中有不少作者用心设计的尾韵和头韵。 英语原诗里面字数和韵脚都比较松散,看起来似乎并不像我们所理解有严格格式的诗歌。 美国人开创的自由律体,追求的就是形散意不散,尾韵头…
Amanda Gorman'sinaugural poem "The Hill We Climb"has been restricted at a school in Florida, drawing criticism from Gorman herself.Gorman, who made history as theyoungest known inaugural poetafter performing at President Joe Biden's inauguration, said in a Twitter post Tuesday that she's "gutte...
#读诗剪报# Amanda Gorman - The Hill We Climb 本来觉得这种场合的诗朗诵会很主旋律,但听完竟觉得有些stunning. 青年桂冠诗人个子小小,声音却中气十足,而且是个押韵狂魔,贯穿全篇的头韵尾韵加上抑扬格流动的...
Amanda Gorman made history Wednesday as the youngest known inaugural poet. The 22-year-old Los Angeles resident delivered her poem "The Hill We Climb" at President Joe Biden'sinaugurationin Washington, D.C. Ahead of the performance, Gorman spoke about the impact of her poem with "CBS This ...
The Hill We Climb(About the poet: Amanda Gorman (1998 - ) is an American poet and activist from Los Angeles, California. Her work focuses on issues of oppression, feminism, race, and marginalization, as well as the African diaspora. Gorman is the first person to be named National Youth ...
‘The Hill We Climb’ by Amanda Gorman was written for President Joe Biden’s inauguration and speaks about the future of America. From the beginning to the end of the poem, Gorman uses images of light and darkness, hope and fear, to describe the two opposing sides of America, those who...