241Am-be spectrumshadow cone technique monte carlo methodIn present study, the neutron spectra of SUP241/SUPAm-Be measured with Bonner sphere method. The system was equipped with a BFSUB3/SUB thermal detector placed in the center of seven spheres with different diameter (from 8.89 to 30.48 cm...
摘 要 以241Am 为指示剂,采用共沉淀的浓集方法浓集尿中的镅,经阴离子交换法分离纯化,然后电镀制源,用低本底α测量仪和α谱仪对尿中的241Am 进行测量。在加入10-3Bq 241Am 指示剂的情况下,回收率可达到60%以上。结果表明,用这种方法可以对尿中10-3Bq 的241Am 进行定量分析,结果的不确定度小于40%。关键...
215, No. 2 (1997) 257-261 Gamma-ray pulse height spectrum of 2"Am-Be source by 'Li-BC501 (n-T) spectrometer system Wuon-Shik Kim*, Hyeon-Soo Kim**, Ki-Hwan Kim**, Yong-Uhn Kim**, Ki-Hyon Kim*** *Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daeduck Science Town,...
Alpha spectrum analysis of 241Am in the urine[J]. China Nucl Sci Technol Rep, 2006(1): 52-61. [12] 史克亮, 张鹏, 杨军强, 等. 环境土壤样品中痕量237Np和241Am的 分析方法研究进展 [J]. 原子能科学技术 , 2019, 53(5): 776- ...
ICS 27. 120.30 F 46 备案号: 56942一2017 EJ 行业标准 一2016 EJ/T 20140 b 核级二氧化杯粉末中 241 Am 的测定 y能谱法 Determination of 241 Am in nuclear-grade plutonium dioxide powder 一by y-spectrum 2016-12-14发布 2017-03-01实施 EJ/T 20140一2016 前言 本标准的附录A为资料性附录。 本...
Neutron spectra from 241Am/B, 241Am/Be, 241Am/F, 242Cm/Be, 238Pu/13C and 252Cf isotopic neutron sources have beenmeasured using a spectrometer employing a thin stillbene crystal. The 242Cm/Be spectruim shows marked differences from that of 241Am/Be. The spectrum from 241Am/F shows fi...
新设计的Α谱仪的探测器选用北京核仪器厂生产的GM12型半导体探测器,它的灵敏区直径为Ø12mm,对 241 Am的Α能量分辨率<115%,噪声20—24eV,电阻率> 30008〃cm 3 ,其余仪器用ORTEC公司生产的142IH型前置放大器,570型主放大器,456 型高压电源和SpectrumACE22K2W3Plug2InMCACards。新的 241 Am火警源Α谱仪...
内容提示: 0200400600800100012000500100015002000250030003500BA16.3920.7826.3436.43ab59.54a: 16.82/17.75b: 32.16/34.59CdZnTe detector 241Am Energy Spectrum 文档格式:PDF | 页数:1 | 浏览次数:229 | 上传日期:2012-05-27 11:44:05 | 文档星级: 0200400600800100012000500100015002000250030003500BA16.3920.7826.3436.43ab...
neutron shieldboric acidThe gamma ray spectrum resolution from a 241Am-Be source-based prompt gamma ray activation analysis set-up has been observed to increase in the energy region of interest with enclosing the NaI detector in a proper neutron and gamma ray shield. We have investigated the ...
1.γ 能谱测量分析软件 Spectrum 研发 [J], 龚玉巍;贾铭椿;郭智荣;裴煜;许彩 2.241Am—Ag 源原油含水分析仪 [J], 孙奉先 3.替代 241Am 低能光子源的准单色 X 射线机的研制 [J], 林辉;肖雪夫;赵靖;简利 民 4.α 能谱法测定 241Am(n,γ)242Amg,m 的反应分支比 [J], 倪建忠;代义华;张海涛;...