摘 要 以241Am 为指示剂,采用共沉淀的浓集方法浓集尿中的镅,经阴离子交换法分离纯化,然后电镀制源,用低本底α测量仪和α谱仪对尿中的241Am 进行测量。在加入10-3Bq 241Am 指示剂的情况下,回收率可达到60%以上。结果表明,用这种方法可以对尿中10-3Bq 的241Am 进行定量分析,结果的不确定度小于40%。关键...
The radiation from the alpha decay of Am 241 has been investigated by studying the fine structure of the alpha spectrum and by performing alpha-gamma and gamma-gamma coincidence measurements. For the daughter nucleus Np 237 a level scheme is proposed which comprises 21 excited states and 39 ...
Alpha spectrum analysis of 241Am in the urine[J]. China Nucl Sci Technol Rep, 2006(1): 52-61. [12] 史克亮, 张鹏, 杨军强, 等. 环境土壤样品中痕量237Np和241Am的 分析方法研究进展 [J]. 原子能科学技术 , 2019, 53(5): 776- ...
过去用CANBERRA公司生产的S85型多道能谱仪配Ø2mm金硅面垒型半导体探测 器,ORTEC公司生产的142IH型前置放大器和570型主放大器;ORTEC公司的7852型台式 多道能谱仪配576ADualAlphaSpectrometer (内置Ø12mm金硅面垒半导体探测器)分析这 种源的能谱,分析中存在以下3个问题: (1)对于较差的Α谱,即半宽度较大的...
Several primary factors influencing the alpha energy spectrum of ~241Am fire alarm source have been studied in order to get better alpha energy spectrum. The results show that the homogeneity and the thickness of metal surface coat and the size of active area of the source have considerable infl...
Neutron spectra from 241Am/B, 241Am/Be, 241Am/F, 242Cm/Be, 238Pu/13C and 252Cf isotopic neutron sources have beenmeasured using a spectrometer employing a thin stillbene crystal. The 242Cm/Be spectruim shows marked differences from that of 241Am/Be. The spectrum from 241Am/F shows fi...
In each case, two a priori spectra were used, one from a two-stage calculation and also one from a combination of the calculated spectrum with a high-resolution measured spectrum. The unfolded spectra are compared with those published elsewhere and show significant differences from the ISO- and...
daysafterthebombard-ment.Thealpharaysof3.18and3.01MeVdueto148Gdand149Gd,respectively,weredetectedclearlyin thealpha-spectruminagreementwithobservationsbySITVOLAetal.[1,11].1251 100c_>oO3 75η0υ~ö>1 500c.01Ω_ΐ 2513Οοο255075100125150175Channelnumber——Fig.4.Alphaspectrumofgadoliniumsample...
Therefore, they modeled the internal activity distribution inside the source volume and simulated the transport of alpha particles to the source window. Matching this to a measured alpha particle spectrum functioned as a control for when the model was correct. We instead used an energy spectrum and...
Keywords:Am—Beneutronsource;neutronspectrum;physicalcharacteristicsof source;Monte—Carlosimulation 常用的Am—Be中子源Ⅲ由AmO:粉末和 金属铍粉充分均匀混合和研磨后,在模具中压 制成具有一定机械强度的活性片(块),然后压 紧,用亚弧焊密封在双层不锈钢壳中。与252Cf ...