I’ve learned from your post that you are recruiting an adviser to help you learn Chinese so I’m writing to recommend myself. I’m Li Hua, a student from Xinhua High School. First of all, as an out-going, friendly and open person, I love making friends and helping them with their...
Am I immune to the coronavirus if I've already had it? Ad You have some immunity, but how much and for how long are big unanswered questions. There's evidence that reinfection is unlikely for at least three months even for people who had a mild case of COVID-19. That's how long N...
In contrast, the antibody test determines if you had COVID-19 sometime in the past. It is measuring yourbody's immune response to the infection, something that occurs over days to weeks after the infection starts. The antibody can appear after the infection is resolved, or even while you ...
CONCLUSIONS: The cutaneous phenotypes delineated in this study expand the dermatologic spectrum associated with COVID-19. Cutaneous manifestations may result from overactive immune responses, complement activation, and microvascular damage. Herpes zoster typically occurs in elderly COVID-19 patients with wea...
It can generally be troublesome to inform in case you have flu or a cold. There are different therapies for COVID, and anyone who can not take Paxlovid—perhaps as a result of it will work together with another medication—should talk to their doctor about the most effective strategy for ...
I wrote in an early COVID post in April 2020,‘Flirting with capitalism while trying to crush it is a dangerous game. Which is not to say that taking on debt makes one a capitalist, but rather entwined in a system that has made it genuinely difficult to make it obsolete.’ I elaborate...
Worse, I lost so many friends this year (only two to COVID) that I keep forgetting one, when I try to list them. Yes, it’s my age too, okay? But it still hurts. Seeing my country under occupation by enemies mostly internal (but controlled by eternal) has also not been a barrel...
The Kroger Co. 2023 Environmental, Social & Governance Report Introduction Our Approach People Planet Systems Appendix 2023 Kroger ESG Report 2 Welcome to Our ESG Report We are pleased to share the latest progress on the Kroger Family of Companies' environmental, social and governance (ESG) ...
After a few months, she reported almost total recovery from urticaria. She didn’t have any episodes of urticaria in the last few months. Her relief in headache and allergic rhinitis had improved positively. This indicated that her immunity was improving. ...
What happens now is that we do not wait to be told what to do anymore. We all take 5,000 i.u.’s of vitamin d (healthy adults) 10,000 i.u.’s for the obese, over 60’s and those with existing conditions. This will a) make us immune to covid-19 and any future virus pande...