The film is a sympathetic portrayal of the life of the struggling artist, who, during her lifetime, the tabloids loved to bash. The film begins with her birth into a Jewish family, her parents’ divorce, the discovery of her amazing and unique talent, rise in the music industry, troubled...
The film is a sympathetic portrayal of the life of the struggling artist, who, during her lifetime, the tabloids loved to bash. The film begins with her birth into a Jewish family, her parents’ divorce, the discovery of her amazing and unique talent, rise in the music industry, troubled...
4/ The film is Inception. I watched the entire thing. Could not tell you what it was about. 5/ Eleusinian Mysteries: There’s a nice picture of the Ninnion Tablet on the Wikipedia page (the tablet is one of the few depictions we have...
According to a relevant Wikipedia article, the film most commonly used at this time was 16mm wide, only half of this width being exposed at a time (“Standard 8” format). When half of the full length of a film had been exposed, it was removed from the camera and replaced so that ...
Kurt Russell, who plays the main character, Snake Pliskin, in this 20th century film, has moved on to portraying Santa Claus in this century. Russell’s inspiration, Pat Robertson is an all too real televangelist, still alive and kicking at the age of 92. You may still be able to see...
本文分两个部分,第一部分全部摘自英文版Wikipedia(貌似没有中文版网页),并进行中文翻译,如有翻译错误,欢迎指正。第二部分是取自于The Guardian的电影中所提及的当年报道的新闻(英文版,重要部分会有些许翻译),并在文末分享几篇关于Katharine Gun的新闻报道链接。BTW,文末会提供文章网页链接。Katharine Gun早期生活Gun...
Wikipedia says… ———- “As a child, he was unusually intelligent and charitable, though not necessarily academically inclined, as his interests were of a more spiritual nature. He was uncommonly talented in devotional music, dance and drama. From a young age, he was alleged to have been ...