Though Beth is full of mistrust and leads a complicated life, a romance blooms, giving Logan hope that Beth could become more than just his good-luck charm. Released: 2012 Directed by: Scott Hicks Also ranks #5 on Every Nicholas Sparks Movie, Ranked By How Much They Swe...
Mother:“I couldn’t stand people touching my belly when I was having contractions!” My husband, noticing the angry glint in my eye, quickly pulls out the DVD player we brought and a copy of a movie he knew would be great as a decoy. Husband:*To his mom*“Ma, why don’t you ta...
Of course, I won’t experience the joy of the early days of fatherhood ever again either, of falling in love, nor of the thrill of discovering a wonderful, new camping spot. I guess my point with all this rambling is that life is full of variety, both at the individual as well as...
Hollywood celebrity powerhouse agent, Sue Mengers, and her client, Ryan O’Neal. After 1972’s hugely successful movie, “What’s Up, Doc?,” Sue became known as the most successful packager in the business: she had put director Peter Bogdanovich together with Barbra Streisand and Ryan O’N...
Although Eastwood insists “you never make a film hoping it has an empty house,” he concedes that “Unforgiven” can be considered one of his more personal films. He resisted any pressure to pitch the movie, top-heavy with older actors, toward the “Young Guns” audience by casting “som...
I think these daysHulkis considered by most people as a kind of noble failure, or perhaps a movie that has a few passionate defenders as an ambitious oddity in the otherwise bland and boring superhero genre. But this movie actually made a fair amount of money! And got pretty good reviews...
Bosses/Owners/Managers,Funny Stories,Movie Theater,New Hires,USA|Working| January 3, 2025 We’ve just let in the last shows of the night, so I am tallying up the tickets in the office when the manager walks in, looking worried.
Glen On Film MOVIE REVIEWS || ALWAYS FRESH || SPOILER-FREEHome About Reviews Best Of Lists TIFF James Bond Search for: The Best Films of 2017 2017 will go down as a year that felt deeply divided on a cultural level; when those who shouted the loudest often got heard and other voices ...
So eerily scary and suspenseful was the movie that I slept very poorly during that night, my mind reliving those frightful and gory moments.Suspense thrillers that won Khim over comprised The Day the Earth Stood Still, Taken, The Fugitive, Casino Royale, The Terminator, Die Hard, Entrapment, ...
“Prince William Sound, Alaska, March 1989 – Definitely not the right time and place to be born a baby seal” This is an authentic Spunkybong quote Valdez, Alaska In 1790, the Spanish explorer Salvador Fidalgo, became the first European to navigate up the Gulf of Alaska and sail into ...