步骤1:通过Windows 电脑下载AltStore 工具(下载位置与官方同步)。Windows版AltStore.zip 步骤2:下载后右键解压缩出来,并且双击「setup」开始安装AltServer。安装完以后,点击电脑左下角放大镜「搜寻框」内输入「alt」,就会找到「AltServer」应用程序,第一次打开时,会跳出Windows Defender 防火墙警示,将...
1.下载AltServer for Windows。2.解压缩下载的“AltInstaller.zip”文件。3.双击“setup.exe”,然后按照安装说明执行。4.启动AltServer(它将显示电脑右下角的图标)。5.打开iTunes并为手机启用iTunes Wi-Fi同步(手机电脑一个WIFI)。6.单击通知区域中的AltServer图标,单击“安装AltStore”。7.然后选...
Another issue you might experience taking too long before you can sign-in to AltStore. Try the following if you are a Windows user. Check your Windows firewall. Go to firewall settings, you need to enable network access for Altserver. Make sure that iTunes and iCloud are running on your...
windows版本 22623.1037 在GitHub上已经找到多个issues是反应关于不显示图标的bug 估计是巨硬给explorer更新了什么东西导致不兼容了 根据github上的说法是要么自行降级系统,要么等待更新,暂时也没有使用命令行调用的方案 490884714 11-16 2 Altserver已经运行但是任务栏看不见图标怎么解决 MMPrin win11 23H2系统 490884...
你好.我卡在進行IPA檔妹安裝這裡, (接下來就要開始進行安裝 iSpoofer for POGO 的 IPA 檔案,所以你要執行 AltStore,在你的電腦 > Windows 開始 > AltStore .)我找不到AltStore.我是Windows 10. 也重新安裝了AltServer v1.3.1 beta 1.就是找不到AltStore.安裝.請問如何解決?謝謝 SOME GUY Adm 回覆 2020/07...
他說的方法應該是在windows裡用"Altserver"+"Altsever Patcher"去安裝ipa @tianliangz 如果要在windows裡改“顯示的名字”(萌萌噠),你可以透過修改info.plist來改名字 步驟如下: 把".ipa"改成".zip", 解壓縮 在Payload\Dai-Hentai.app\下找到info.plist CFBundleName 萌萌噠 改成 CFBundleName DaiHentai 重新...
AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices. - Issues · altstoreio/AltStore
How to install AltStore and install IPA ( Windows )Step 01. Windows users should install latest version of iTunes from Here HereiTunes for Windows (64-bit) iTunes for Windows (32-bit) Step 02. Download the latest version of AltStore from Here...
AltStore is a brilliant App Store alternative for iPhone and iPad that allows you to install unauthorized apps. Here's how to install it.
This article is especially for Altstore Mac users as only those have to install the mail plugin, whereas Altstore Windows users don’t do that. However, other issues are faced by Altstore Windows users; I have also covered those. You’ll find links to those below at the end, and there ...