准备阶段,你需要确保从苹果官网下载iTunes(64位或32位)和iCloud for Windows,而不要使用Microsoft Store上的版本。还需要一个专门用于签名的Apple ID,因为免费开发者凭证每7天会过期,但AltStore会不定期刷新签名。安装AltStore的步骤如下:首先,通过Windows电脑下载AltStore工具,然后解压缩并安装AltServ...
教程前需准备: Windows操作系统电脑一台,待越狱iPhone一台,数据线一根,进行下载iCloud云盘并登陆您的ID,下载地址: https://support.apple.com/zh_CN/downloads/icloud 然后下载AltStore压缩包,下载地址: https://altstore.io/ 2 安装教程: iCloud云盘下载完成后需要登陆您的Apple ID账号,登陆完成后不得关闭软件...
步骤1:通过Windows 电脑下载AltStore 工具(下载位置与官方同步)。Windows版AltStore.zip 步骤2:下载后右键解压缩出来,并且双击「setup」开始安装AltServer。安装完以后,点击电脑左下角放大镜「搜寻框」内输入「alt」,就会找到「AltServer」应用程序,第一次打开时,会跳出Windows Defender 防火墙警示,将...
Windows 10问题比较多,运行记得管理员模式运行。altstore工具进行自签操作步骤 1.下载AltServer for Windows。2.解压缩下载的“AltInstaller.zip”文件。3.双击“setup.exe”,然后按照安装说明执行。4.启动AltServer(它将显示电脑右下角的图标)。5.打开iTunes并为手机启用iTunes Wi-Fi同步(手机电脑一...
Step 09 – Launch AltStore by holding down the option (macOS) or Start (Windows) buttons. The Install AltStore button has now changed to Sideload IPA. Step 10 – Now, choose your device. Choose IPA. Step 11 – Now, enter your Apple ID and password. ...
Requires Windows 10 MacOS Guide Windows Guide Popular iPA for AltStore Requirements AltStore only supports Windows and Mac. Only Supports iOS 12.2 and above ( Up to iOS 16.4 ). AltStore Support iOS version AltStore supports iOS 12.2 to iOS 16.4 versions. AltStore alternative Sideloadly also suppor...
用户_pg12138 10-12 1 altstore安装软件求助 姽羽罂芫 求问一下在 altstore 导入 aip 的时候出现there is no provisioning profile with the requested identifier on this team,这种怎么办 Apologize甜甜 9-26 2 求问一下在 altstore 导入 aip 的时候出现there is no provision 唐钰小宝6... 求问一...
Describe the bug after installing, I opened altserver from the start menu on windows 10 and it showed entry point not found Screenshots Desktop (please complete the following information if applicable): OS: Windows 10 Version: 1703 iPhon...
SakunoUryu commented May 10, 2020 @DaidoujiChen 他說的方法應該是在windows裡用"Altserver"+"Altsever Patcher"去安裝ipa @tianliangz 如果要在windows裡改“顯示的名字”(萌萌噠),你可以透過修改info.plist來改名字 步驟如下: 把".ipa"改成".zip", 解壓縮 在Payload\Dai-Hentai.app\下找到info.plist ...